Growing Purple Haze outdoors


Active Member
Hi everyone I am new to this site and I am a beginner at growing marijuana. I found this site and it looked like some people who know there stuff post on here and was wondering if I may ask some questions and hopefully get some very helpful answers. Now over the winter my friend knew a guy who sold purple haze, look purple and had like little blueberry look alike pods which were bud but were the color of purple..... So i thought it was purple haze, and still to this day do not know if it is or isnt. But I am going to take some pics soon and post them for better advice if you guys were able to see them. I ended up get a few seeds some were lost but i managed to plant 2, in which both came to grow into what i think are two nice looking females. I put them into pot and outside towards the end of May. They stand about 3 foot high and are fairly busy because I wasnt to sure how or which leaves to clip off to trim it or clean it up so I have herd. But its august and it seems to me they have started to flower in which there are what looks like to be litte tiny bud like things forming at the corners of where the branches begin to start towards the stem. I was kinda of concerned due to the fact that I have never did this and did not know what to look for..... So if anyone reading this has some helpful tips and ways i can yield some good smoke in october that would be great.

They are both healthy no insects or holes in the leaves all green and smells so skunky I get nervous about my neighbors..... been in the ground for about 3 1/2 4 months well in a big flower pot

once again i appricate it for anyone whom gives me information...... Thanks you so much and I will have some pics up soon.... Thanks alot

Ps PM me if you want i dont care i just would appricate all the help i can get thanks:joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey Bro,
If you cut the bottom branches off about 12'' up and save for cloning, you will force the growth to the tops giving you nice fat colas, with hardly any small fluffy buds that don't give you much weight. Plus it'll help stop small animals from climbing and eating it.
You are seeing what are called "pre-flowers" These are the plants indicators that it is mature enough to flower. Sounds like you got a female.


Active Member
sweet nice information, just curious how many leave do you think is good for trimming it is kinda bushy..... and with my explaining on how my plants are growing, how much longer do you think it will take for the what look like little flowers with white hairs coming out of them take to form into a bud or like series of buds. if you ge what im trying to explain. there right on the beginning of each branch.


Well-Known Member
if you see groups of balls coming out of the corners its male- white hairs fem the differences are easily distinguishable when u no what to look for, if they are indeed preflowers you should see hairs in a week or so and buds in another few weeks
im seeing white hairs so that a badass sign thanks for the info...what would be the best estimate on how many weeks till the buds will be noticeable