Growing Prep - for next season.....


Well-Known Member
OK.... We've all, for the most part, finished this years outdoor growing season. Hopefully, everyone has mason jar after mason jar filled with Sweet, Organic Buds. Now what......
Well, it's time to start preparing for next year's grow. This is the time of year, when the weather is mild and soil prep is easy - so take advantage of that. Less sweating.....and great fall colors / scenery......
Its time to: Scout out your grow location(s) / Dig out a dozen large holes (min) and back fill them with compost (which is now on the ground all around you (less to carry) - Oak tree leaves, etc...) & worm castings (which you will need to bring - they will attract earth worms). These deep burrowing worms will come up for a compost buffet and enrich your holes over the winter. The compost will slowly break down, uping the humus content of your holes.
Later this evening, I'm going out to fill my holes with some composted Bunny poop and Worm Castings. I already raked in lots of Oak Tree Leaves... I'll also pour in some SPT and let the microbeasties start establishing the tribe.... killing off local (bad bacteria) and improving my holes, as well. When the soil temp gets cold, they'll just go dormant, until spring.
I'm also going to mix up a batch of Subcools Super Soil in the garage. I'm going to let is cure over the winter months - in prep for next season. I'm going to use it half my planting holes as an experiment. If his method of using Super Soil and only plain water kicks butt... I'll be the first to praise him and his mix. I think it's good to try new things from time to time. Plus why reinvent the wheel - if someone has a proven receipe that works - why not use it.
OK, my lunch hour is drawing to an end - time to take two bites and get back to work.....
Keep it Real...Organic...... & prep ahead of time, eases the work load later....just a thought......


New Member
OK.... We've all, for the most part, finished this years outdoor growing season. Hopefully, everyone has mason jar after mason jar filled with Sweet, Organic Buds. Now what......
Well, it's time to start preparing for next year's grow. This is the time of year, when the weather is mild and soil prep is easy - so take advantage of that. Less sweating.....and great fall colors / scenery......
Its time to: Scout out your grow location(s) / Dig out a dozen large holes (min) and back fill them with compost (which is now on the ground all around you (less to carry) - Oak tree leaves, etc...) & worm castings (which you will need to bring - they will attract earth worms). These deep burrowing worms will come up for a compost buffet and enrich your holes over the winter. The compost will slowly break down, uping the humus content of your holes.
Later this evening, I'm going out to fill my holes with some composted Bunny poop and Worm Castings. I already raked in lots of Oak Tree Leaves... I'll also pour in some SPT and let the microbeasties start establishing the tribe.... killing off local (bad bacteria) and improving my holes, as well. When the soil temp gets cold, they'll just go dormant, until spring.
I'm also going to mix up a batch of Subcools Super Soil in the garage. I'm going to let is cure over the winter months - in prep for next season. I'm going to use it half my planting holes as an experiment. If his method of using Super Soil and only plain water kicks butt... I'll be the first to praise him and his mix. I think it's good to try new things from time to time. Plus why reinvent the wheel - if someone has a proven receipe that works - why not use it.
OK, my lunch hour is drawing to an end - time to take two bites and get back to work.....
Keep it Real...Organic...... & prep ahead of time, eases the work load later....just a thought......
Good stuff.....I've got to get on it. You're gettin me excited for next spring already!


Well-Known Member
No, but in my experience few weeds are really getting started at this time when everything else is shutting down.


Well-Known Member
TheGanjaMan23..... When you grow outdoors, weeds can be an issue, but by digging your holes now, you actually cut down on weeds. Because the compost you back fill with, will generate heat, that heat will cause some weed seeds to germinate. Those weed seeds, normally would have layed fallow (inactive) all winter and germinated in the Spring. When they pop their ugly little heads up from compost in the Winter - Bam, Death from the Cold. No chems, no weeding, just a zap from Mothernature. Which is a good thing, their decaying matter just adds to the pile after death.
Keep it Real.... Organic....


Active Member
ohso your amazing.. i read all of your threads over and over again.. all the knowledge i have gained from this site gets me excited to start my first grow this spring.. and it will be organic.. cuz i keep it green:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
TheGanjaMan23 ... Your welcome. I'm always glad to help. Open discussions are the best way to learn new things. I'm glad to hear you are going Organic.
On that note, give Subcool's Canopy Management 101 thread a read, it's full of great info. It's located in his sub-form " Subcool's Old School Organics "
Keep it Real...Organic....


Well-Known Member
Ohso, we need to put our noses to the grindstone, I've been looking into Terra preta. I'm going to make some. Amazonian dark earth. Results with as little as 5% biochar (or, just charcoal). Please bring it up with your Inside Man next chance you have, would ya? :)


Active Member
How necessary are the microbes? Could you wait till Spring with similar results or is Fall the best time?


Well-Known Member
How necessary are the microbes? Could you wait till Spring with similar results or is Fall the best time?
Bearhosh..... In my opinion, very necessary. Now, good - healthy soil is full of microbes - literally millions and millions of them. By dropping in just the good ones ( like with Sub Culture, Myco Magic or SPT ), with your soil amendments - the good micro-beasties engage in gang warfare and kill off the others.
The end result - when you plant into the pre-prepared planting holes, next season, your guys will own all the territory for several feet, in every direction - Sweet !!!
It's all kill or be killed in the root zone..... take no prisoners.....hooo yaa...
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic......


Active Member
It's all kill or be killed in the root zone..... take no prisoners.....hooo yaa...
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic......
Ohso my prep is complete for the next season. I hit all my holes with SPT for next year. I want my microbes to own the zone..hoooo...yaaa....
Kill or be killed, I like that !


Well-Known Member
Catincombs.... I've seen the gun rack in your truck. How many do you have in the house ? LOL .... Glad to hear your dailed in for next season. I'll be up your way, this coming weekend, I'll give you a call.
Keep it Real...Hoo...Yaa....