growing potential hermes

In a bit of a quandry. My caregiver gave me a series of Northern Brite and Ice Cream clones. He said that they were turning herme. However, the last plant that he gave me that he realized turned herme at week 5 never did for me. Due to the fact that I need to get out of my current grow, I'm considering experimenting on the 9 plants on the hope that it was his feeding that turned them. They're both beautiful strains that are pretty good producers.

Wondering is it worth it? Is there some type of feeding schedule that would decrease chances of herme traits coming out? Any suggestions for the experiments.:wall:

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
No your feeding schedule or how much doesn't turn them hermie or stop them from hermie. It is stress that is the biggest factor of hermi and the other is gentics. One you can stop and the other you can do nothing about. If they are clones off a plant that got stressed out and the mother is hermi I don't know what you could do other than cross your fingers and hope for the best! I personaly wouldn't waist the time. All the work and money that goes into growing a plant to finish it just isn't worth it to grow hermies. If you are medical why not go get a start from a good breeder or some good seeds and start with those. If you are short on money why not get a good clone, veg it for about 3 weeks and clone the shit out of it! Just take as many clones as you can off it and toss it. You should end up with 8+ clones and then you are off and running! 8 plants and one months work for the price of one clone! Can't beat that.
Thanks for the info. I may just have to bag those ladies. It's unfortunate, it seems such a waste. But better to chop a bad crop now than later.


Well-Known Member
grow it. If it turns out to be a hermaphrodite, kill it. you will find out soon enough when you start flowering. This person that gave it to you may must be deluded and the plants really aren't hermaphrodites.