Growing plants to get seeds


Active Member
Hi everyone,

At the moment I have 3 male and 3 female plants, and they have just started to show their genders. I'm not interested in getting any bud from these plants, or cloning, I just want seeds. The plants are very small, only around 30cm (12 inches) tall. They are about 10 weeks old and are mainly indica strain.

1. How do I go about pollinating the female plants? Do I just give them a breeze and hope it spreads over the female plants?

2. This may sound like a pretty stupid question: where are the seeds? Are they in the small amount of bud?

3. How long until the seeds are ready? I hear the females drop the seeds and then die.

4. How many seeds per plant would you expect?


Well-Known Member
if you are outdoors just put the plants together in a group and let mother nature take care of it .
if indoors do the same thing and put a fan on them or you could just collect the pollen ans pollinate them your self.
to collect the seeds harvest the flowers when mature dry and put in a box and shake the shit out of it and the seeds will just fall out into the box.
how many your guess is as good as mine...:-)


Well-Known Member
once you have learnt how to seed up your plants you can get some seeds with better genetics and make more seed from them :hump:...then you'll never run out..also you can share it with your friends and amp up the general quality of the pot down here :mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if you want seeds and bud then you could cut off the nads of the male plant. put them in a cup of water let the pollen release in the water and pour over the buds you want to grow seeds with. (i heard it on these forums somewhere)