growing outdoors in pots?


Active Member
i am thinking of growing two or three small plants in pots by my house i have a pretty big yard and can blend it in among other plants

i was just wondering if after two months to speed things up as far as flowering if i could start doing a 12/12 like put it out from like 9am to 9pm and then take it in and put it in darkness for 12 hours

also what is the risk factors like for outside growing in a pot?

neighbors not too close, but could they cause a problem?

do police fly around looking down at people's yards :roll: i am paranoid


Well-Known Member
Unless you are in Alaska where you need to bring it in for darkness, just veg it indoors under 24 hours light until you are ready to start to force the flowering. Then, shut off the lights for 24 straight to get her in the mood, then set her outside and let mother nature do the trick. As far as the flying eyes, a couple potted plants could be kept fairly easily out of sight, I think.


Well-Known Member
I used plastic flower's once on a balcony grow. I went to the dollar store and picked up some pink plastic flower's and twist tied them to my plant's. To keep the neighbor's from snitching. Worked great!!


Well-Known Member
yea large pots to cover your plants to force flower them would prolly look shady out in a field or your back yard. would prolly work in a green house though.


Well-Known Member
yeah you can do that, lots of people do, although you will need a safe place to keep them durring the day that isn't to far from whatever shed you plan on putting them in, cause a five gallon bucket full of dirt with a 4 foot plant is a pain in the ass to carry...

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I would build a small enclosure out of wood and opaque plastic and grow them in there.

If you built it the right size to fit a "swamp cooler" cover you could then just throw the cover over it for yer 12/12.

One way would be to cover it ALL night. The other way would be to cover it from about 5-6PM til dark..then uncover it for the nighttime. (might be easier and less humidity problems this way. You can aslo protect em from storms with a cover like this...and if the plastic is opaque/will transmit light but you can't see into've just solved yer neighbor problem

If you were vigilent you could do 2 crops outdoors this way but it WILL be a lot of "being at home" at the right times!

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Middle, I've been doing a combo outside/inside grow for the last 2 months. See the link at the bottom of my screen name. Anyway, things to consider are that you want to make sure your pot is somewhat insulated from the sun. If not, your pot can get very hot in direct sunlight (at least here in Florida) and could burn the roots of the plant. Also bugs and airborne fungi are an issue. Of course, if you are leaving the plants outside and you aren't home, there's always the stray rain cloud that may mess up your watering schedule but that can be overcome. Theft is the other main concern. Good luck!


Active Member
the police is not going to look in your yard if your not know to be a big pot farmer or a big pot head i wouldent worry about a couple plants that dosent mean nothing to them they wont big growers becouse they dont wont somebody makeing to much money and them not geting any of it. dont be paranoid just do it. yes putting them out then put them inside in a dark room and they will start flowering faster keep them on a 12 and 12. make sure the neighbors dont see them