Growing Outdoor plants in rubbermaid. pics maybe

-i just got 14 early bud seeds.
-using rubbermaid containers 3 feet deep 3 feet wide and 5 feet long.
-2 plants each container.
-organic potting soil,perlite,worm castings and cow manure mixed in( shovel ).
-sunlight 12 hours a day high 80's, low 70's.

First grow i will post pictures of progress if i get feedback. Can anyone tell me how much i should approximately harvest?


err.. what's the reason for growing in a rubbermaid bin? stealth? i dont think its stealthy if you're going to let sunshine come through for 12 hours...that would sort of give away the whole bin set up lol.


Well-Known Member
lol what about when the plants grow taller than 3'? now your outta luck. They gone be like,"that boy got some skunk growin in his backyardz, call da popo".