Growing Orange Bud - Need Expert advice.


Active Member
OK, first up I can't sent photos, so I am going to do my best to describe things clearly.

This is my fourth harvest (so not much experience). I started some new Orange Bud which seemed to be doing great under a 400 light at 18/6. Grown in high quality plant compost (John Innes) with pearlite mixed in. The plants were doing well for the first three weeks - grew like rockets!. The plants are watered once a week and I have a gadget to measure the moisture content of the soil, to avoid over watering.

A week ago, I decided to transplant them into larger containers. Following the transplant they all wilted a little, but quickly recovered. After three days they looked strong, however, I noticed a few leaves with orange/rust patches. There had been a few SMALL spots of this on a couple of leaves previously but nothing major. Now the leaves have begun to suffer big time and it seems to be in all three of my Orange Bud. I am also growing Arian's Strawberry Haze and GWS (same grow room - watering etc) and it is great - no problems at all. The PH for all the plants is OK. I have not fed them since they changed pots.

The seeds have been really healthy growers until now and I am at a loss as to what the problem might be.

Does anybody know if there are special requirements for growing Orange Bud or have suggestions as to where I can begin to figure out the problem.

Really appreciate all your help.


Well-Known Member
are you feeding them nutes? if so have you spilt any of the nute/water mix on the leaves?

if not then any chances of some pics?
worth checking the under sides of leaves for spider mite - as a matter of course. may need magnifying glass as young adults v. small.
have grown OB, and treated it the same as the rest of the plants and it did v. well - no special considerations as far as i know.