Growing or starting other plants in the grow rooms.


Well-Known Member
Was just wondering if any of you grew indoor fruit/vegetables/flowers in your respective ganja rooms, I myself have a 12/12 and a 24/0 (with much lower light intensity) That I already started with carrots and pumpkins (pumpkins almost ready for outdoor replanting), Which plants could I realistically accommodate (at least to start) in my rooms? I assume anything that is not a start/finish/die plant is good for these rooms. Plants that live, harvest, and keep living mostly my question. Could be on either light schedule im assuming.

Is anyone else like me, basically started with weed, and ends up being totally saturated mentally with being able to grow things to benefit themselves and the environment... It's like being turned onto a totally off grid world! Just simply knowing you can provide 99% of what you need in life, by yourself with no ones help... Its absolutely empowering! Dont want to pay for prescriptions, drugs, food? YOU CAN MAKE EVERYTHING! Knowledge is power!



I'm the opposite of you. I started growing veg when and then moved onto cannabis. Gardening is the best hobby. I'm starting my fall garden seeds this weekend in my veg tent. They'll be under 18/6. I won't be growing in my grow room, but transplanting everything outside to a new garden area I'm creating in my front yard.

From seed I'm running:

Pole beans, undecided variety
winter squash
short season peas.
other herbs that I decide to give a try.
I have a basil patch that's been infested with oregano.
maybe some other flowers

I'll also be growing broccoli, artichokes, peppers, tomatoes etc. But I'll probably pick all of those up as plants.


Well-Known Member
I'm currently growing Bell Peppers, Jalapenos, and a couple sunflowers to rival UB's at the county fair.


Well-Known Member
^ Hell yeah...

The act of being able to help nature along is a very strong feeling, I feel blessed that i can cultivate life, (regardless of what it really is). I use to have snakes, and basically bred my own rat's and mice for them, and also would sell frozen rats and mice to a friend that was well.. way beyond a hobbyist for snakes, Loved it.

The death part was a little rough at first, but I never felt bad, I would play with them as if they were pets, and never mistreated them. (as many breeders do, hence why they get bitten a LOT) lol. The putting them to sleep part became as easy as putting a mom and dad in the same cage knowing what would happen down the line. They had there small corner of the earth, just like we do, just smaller.

Funny, well before I grew ganja, I was still cultivating life, looking forward to harvest. Treating everything with respect i think is key. When you play a god within a smaller world, one needs to portray happiness, love, affection. It is the only way i have found to be at peace with anything i do, to simply have good intentions and moral fiber to base logic from goes a long way.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I feel the same way. I've since started tobacco and tomatoes in my closet next to my cannabis plant. They do fine in the lower light, just slower growth. I love being able to put a seed in the dirt, and reap the rewards later, be it ganja, tomatoes, jalapenoes, or even strawberries. I'm starting to think I want to be a self sufficient farmer living in some secluded area, living off of my own crops and livestock.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I feel the same way. I've since started tobacco and tomatoes in my closet next to my cannabis plant. They do fine in the lower light, just slower growth. I love being able to put a seed in the dirt, and reap the rewards later, be it ganja, tomatoes, jalapenoes, or even strawberries. I'm starting to think I want to be a self sufficient farmer living in some secluded area, living off of my own crops and livestock.
Same here, I would LOVE THAT.


Staff member
i do basil but either than that i have an entire garden outside so i am lucky and dont need to throw them in the grow room


Well-Known Member
Hey Snake, like you I started out growing weed. Then I got really into gardening. Mostly I grow things that I can eat, but I grow some flowers for my mother, and really enjoy them also. I really dig growing everything now. I start almost everything indoors under florescent lights. It give me better selection and placement of the final plants. Carrots I don't do indoors, and I wouldn't recommend starting any root crop anywhere except for where you wish it to grow. Everything else, including crops they say not to transplant like corn, melons, and beans, I start indoors and transplant outside.

My biggest recommendation to anyone growing vegatables is to watch John Kohler's GrowingYourGreens on YouTube. Also Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. These are great info sources, and will not only help your vegetables, but your "herbs" too.