Growing more than one strain in the same grow tent


Active Member
For my next grow I want to do northern lights, master kush and white widow. Do you think ill have any issues? I know they all finish in 8 weeks but don't know about things like if one strain prefers particular ph or if one strain grows a lot taller than the other two messing up my canopy (doing sea of green).


Well-Known Member
are you growing in soil?? if so erase the phrase ph from your marijuana vocab! soil these days is ph balanced, water should be distilled or tap left out for two days which does not change ph in soil, and nutes are also ph many new growers (myself as well way back) start growing and first problem they have they cant figure out and immediately think oh ph or nute lockout from ph and the truth is this will be your problem 1 in at least 100 times and probably not even for the canopy well that is totally up to you :D if you train it well and get all zen with your garden every day then you have no reason to care if one plant grows faster as you control everything! you can easily run different strains together without any problems just properly manipulate everything.


Well-Known Member
and i just looked at your profile...dont go around double posting every thread you start that shit is annoying..pick a spot and post it


Active Member
and i just looked at your profile...dont go around double posting every thread you start that shit is annoying..pick a spot and post it
First of all, thanks for the advice. As for the double posting thing, no need to get your panties all bunched up bro. Just hit the bong one time and relax. Try some master kush. That should do the job.