growing marijuana seeds from tude

Okay so this is my plan let me know if its good
My grow room is gonna be in my apt closet i know its a bit silly but thats all i have till i make enough money
Plan ;
Germinate seeds in a wet paper towel and a plate for about two days (i heard mineral water is good but they have different kind like bubbly kind that feels like coke when you drink it)
Next Ima put the germinated seeds in a little plastic cup (do i still leave it in the dark till leaves grow out)
after Ima put it in a 5 gal jar ( problem is i only have one :/ and about 6 1 gal pot) then Ima get a big box and put the plant in it and cover.the whole inside with foil so i could have alot of light reflecting on my pants
Sound good ? And please answer those questions ?
A few more questions;
How much can a whole plant go for ? Or whats the average yeild of a plant
And i'm only using regular soil can i use banana pills or any vegetables for fertilizer
And i only have a 26 wat light :/ can i place my plant by the window for 18 hours of sun ? Then back to the closet


Well-Known Member
My advice, read a book then think about growing. 26w of light id say your looking at a easy pound:D


Well-Known Member
My advice, read a book then think about growing. 26w of light id say your looking at a easy pound:D
Huh ? You are kidding right ?

I'd predict a yield of a couple of joints at best.

"Banana pills" JFC theres all kinds out here


Well-Known Member
Hector, go to newbie central, that's a good start,and start with the video's and then start reading. Lot's of info there.


Well-Known Member
Okay so this is my plan let me know if its good
My grow room is gonna be in my apt closet i know its a bit silly but thats all i have till i make enough money
Plan ;
Germinate seeds in a wet paper towel and a plate for about two days (i heard mineral water is good but they have different kind like bubbly kind that feels like coke when you drink it)
Next Ima put the germinated seeds in a little plastic cup (do i still leave it in the dark till leaves grow out)
after Ima put it in a 5 gal jar ( problem is i only have one :/ and about 6 1 gal pot) then Ima get a big box and put the plant in it and cover.the whole inside with foil so i could have alot of light reflecting on my pants
Sound good ? And please answer those questions ?
A few more questions;
How much can a whole plant go for ? Or whats the average yeild of a plant
And i'm only using regular soil can i use banana pills or any vegetables for fertilizer
And i only have a 26 wat light :/ can i place my plant by the window for 18 hours of sun ? Then back to the closet
Dude! you've already got 3 threads started........... JUST FUCKIN START READING