growing magic mushrooms

Gonna get all i need to grow me some cubinsis shrooms but im curios and forgive me for asking a stupid question but i feel its valid to ask... When i was in my local post office there was a big poster from the postal service. Showing whats not acceptable to mail or have mailed to you and syringes were defiantly on that im kinda confused..its legal to order the spores but not in a syringe? Or am i missing something here?....if i order the cubinsis syringes am i going to be in deep shit or am i just paranoid?
Good question. I think syringes with spores are rather blunt. But that may not make a difference to the government.
I never have. I have purchased oyster and several other legal spores and or live tissue in syringes and never had a problem. Some of these are from legit culture libraries that wouldn't do something that might result in a federal offense.

They won't even send to Hawaii.

You are probably OK. But if you are still worried, get prints.

Earth tongue even has injection vials so you could get your syringe locally and use their vial.
errrr i assume they mean don't bring us a syringe and put it in an envelope here in at the store. prep it at your business and there are probably acceptions.