Growing in wardrobe


Active Member
right change of plan im thinking about growing in a wardrobe its 3foot wide,6foot high,2foot deep,

How many plants could i put in this?? i want to get as many as i can,


Well-Known Member
Well, from what I've gathered, most people say that the plants need at least three feet of space to grow properly. If they are crowded in one area, their growth will be stunted and you won't get a full yield. So, I'd say... ONE. Hope some other people chime in who know more than I do. Good luck and be safe!!!!


Well-Known Member
yea man me and you pretty much have the same space but mine is alittle wider
im going to try to go scrog or sog when i grow a momma
if u go with this approch i heard u can go 9 plants?
not too sure tho


Well-Known Member
yeah i'd say about ten plants if you start flowering them when they're small and just have 1 main stem. Do not top them or they'll get to bushy and you wont even be able to fit 5 in there.