Growing In The Living Room With No Equipment

Hi guys

Me and my friend live in an apartment and i just planted some seeds i got from another friend. I dunno what kind they are, but i planted them and one out of 5 started growing.

I need some tips on how to nurture it, and if i can do anything to make the other sprout as well.

I have no equipment and i am not able to assign a special room, all i want is to grow a plant and maybe get something out of it if possible. I want it to be decorative at first and maybe get a few buds with the minimum of effort.

In a few words, what should i do to keep it alive? I don't know anything about growing, when to water or the minimum light requirements so any help is welcome.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Poster wants us to tell him ( doesn't want to do any of his own research ) how to grow a plant with little to no work.
Could he get any more lazy?
Wrong time of year to just set in the window box.
Dammm dude . At least you found this site.


Active Member
LoL.Thats not how it works buddy.You can't grow a cannabis plant like that.It is really fukin easy to grow weed,but not that easy.You need as a bare minimum a small area like a closet and some grow lights and a timer.You need to put them in an area where you can control the light cycle so that plant gets 18 hours light 6 dark during the grow phase and 12 hours light 12 dark during the bloom phase.You could even just bloom them from seed for really small plants ,but for it to work they absolutly can't get any light during their dark cycle...and you have to have 50 watts minimum of light on each plant.cfls work if you dont wanna go to a grow shop and get an hps ,oh and water only when the soil feels dry and the pot feels light


Well-Known Member
LoL.Thats not how it works buddy.You can't grow a cannabis plant like that.It is really fukin easy to grow weed,but not that easy.You need as a bare minimum a small area like a closet and some grow lights and a timer.You need to put them in an area where you can control the light cycle so that plant gets 18 hours light 6 dark during the grow phase and 12 hours light 12 dark during the bloom phase.You could even just bloom them from seed for really small plants ,but for it to work they absolutly can't get any light during their dark cycle...and you have to have 50 watts minimum of light on each plant.cfls work if you dont wanna go to a grow shop and get an hps ,oh and water only when the soil feels dry and the pot feels light

Lol as much as i hate to say it, but sure you can! lol i have had plants go for months decorativly under lamps around the house eventually after like 3-4 months they all hermie but they are fun little decorations till they throw off nuts.


Active Member
Lol as much as i hate to say it, but sure you can! lol i have had plants go for months decorativly under lamps around the house eventually after like 3-4 months they all hermie but they are fun little decorations till they throw off nuts.
Thats like saying you could fry a hotdog in motor oil... Sure you could do it but if you want to achieve sucess you need to do the things i have said.Who wants a spindly hermaphrodite cannabis plant with 2 grams on it? Probably the same amount of people that would consider eating a hot dog thats been cooked in motor oil.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys

Me and my friend live in an apartment and i just planted some seeds i got from another friend. I dunno what kind they are, but i planted them and one out of 5 started growing.

I need some tips on how to nurture it, and if i can do anything to make the other sprout as well.

I have no equipment and i am not able to assign a special room, all i want is to grow a plant and maybe get something out of it if possible. I want it to be decorative at first and maybe get a few buds with the minimum of effort.

In a few words, what should i do to keep it alive? I don't know anything about growing, when to water or the minimum light requirements so any help is welcome.

Thanks in advance!
killer thought though brah..........just throw em in the ground and reap some dankness by foliage season. I have found mushrooms growing randomly in nature that were viable, never cannabis that was "thrown" into dirt(hemp is planted this way). You found the site asked a question got some awensers and now what?


Active Member
yeh thats a better idea ,find a good spot in the woods and plant a few seedlings in there.If your climate is ok then it is entirely possible to get several ounces of bud even in an obscure hidden location ,as long as it gets some sun and some rain and its not in a place where it will be found.Growing in the living room is not gonna work


Well-Known Member
Last year I pulled off an outdoor winter crop, with the temp getting to 30 every night. The key was to keep the plants next to the house, and get one of the reptile heat lamps and keep it on them for the night. It got around 75 here during the day and was warm enough to dry everything out. It got very potent, a very good taste, some purple, and when the winter was over we cut off all the buds, leaving just enough bud/leaf on the plant to keep it alive. We put them outside when the outdoor season began and they now are 2 weeks from finishing with buds probably around 2" diameter right now. You can pull off an outdoor crop when it is cold out, after the season has ended. You just have to put MUCH more effort into it. Out of 7 plants, we lost 2 to frost, and it wasn't until we did the first pull that they died. The rest of them went into shock, then back to veg just like we wanted. They are about 3-4x bigger in the ground than they were in the pots next to the house, and the buds are much more dense. The hairs are longer than any plant I have ever seen, they are about 1"-1.5" long. With that being said. Your plant can and will survive if you put the effort into it. You need to water and feed it on a regular basis, you need to keep your girls warm at night! Light throughout the night is the only thing that kept them alive through veg I believe, and even when they were flowering the lights needed to be on because we were only having about 6 hr days and we bumped the light to 12.

Garden weeds

Active Member
sorry if i am being a little harsh but the title of this post is so stupid, and then it gets worse when you click on it. you cant just grow weed in your house with nothing apart from soil, or should i say u cant grow anything good maybe a quater of a gram of diarrhea. you need to care for your plants, there should be a law on this 'cannabis plant abuse' if you dont like/take care of the plant, the plant wont do anything for you. if you want weed spend minimal ammounts on some basic equipment like a CFL get some fans along with some other bits and bobs and you may get some weed. doing it how your doing it i doubt very much will grow any sort of weed, if it does it will be like smoking your own pubes. you also cant expect some of these guys here on RIU to give you years of knowledge in a short paragraph, the regulars on here are all very helpful and i couldnt thank them enough for their input and help they have given me, yeah ask some questions maybe about different stuff, but you need to read and read and watch and watch!!! but non the less- i wish you the greatest amount of luck growing with nothing but soil and a pot. !!! GW


Well-Known Member
To be fair mate u could use it as a decoration but without the propper equipment you aint gonna get shit off that plant worth smoking and because of the enviornment that its gonna be in it wouldnt surprise me if it turned hermie on ya anyway but who nos!


Active Member
wouldn't be surprised if the guy has now hung himself his plants and his roommates the amount telling off in this thread haha


Well-Known Member
Hi guys

Me and my friend live in an apartment and i just planted some seeds i got from another friend. I dunno what kind they are, but i planted them and one out of 5 started growing.

I need some tips on how to nurture it, and if i can do anything to make the other sprout as well.

I have no equipment and i am not able to assign a special room, all i want is to grow a plant and maybe get something out of it if possible. I want it to be decorative at first and maybe get a few buds with the minimum of effort.

In a few words, what should i do to keep it alive? I don't know anything about growing, when to water or the minimum light requirements so any help is welcome.

Thanks in advance!
First off, growing with 'friends' is usually a bad idea, and think of it like this. If you got a Rottweiler, tied it to the leg of the kitchen table and left him there, never exercising him, or playing with him, he would be as happy as a weed plant sitting in the middle of a room to be ogled in the inconsistent light schedule.