Growing in outdoor heat


Hey everyone, I am a first time grower. The area I have for planting is outdoors, it is the hottest region on the continent of Asia. In June 21, 1942 it was recorded at 53.9c/129f. I have attempted to grow but the babies died from the sun. What seeds or strains are good for outdoors in extreme heat? Thanks guys.
dont know of any u can try putting something around your girl to take some of the heat like lava rorks .. dont know what im talking about its a little to far out for me .just an idie


Well-Known Member
Bro you cant just whack the seedlings out mid summer. You can in spring but atm its too dry and hot. Start indoor under a fluro for the forst 4 weeks then harden off for a week then put them out in a prepared hole/pot, water it ,mulch it and come back within a week to water again. If its regularly 50+ deg then consider indoor grow with a/c.