Growing in and computer case???


Active Member
I am going to grow in a computer case with just fans in it and i was wonder on how powerful the light could be? I want to put a 400w HPS in it the
7" x 16.5" x 18" :confused:


Well-Known Member
think thats a bit much,my 400w hps causes me heat issues in a wardrobe,plus you need a minimum of 12" between the light and plant top,that'd give you 6" for a plant and pot


Well-Known Member
certainly not 6 inches including pot,my present scrog is around 14 inches tall,then there's 10 inches of pot,see if you want to grow under 400w hps you're gonna get some rigorous growth,but you need space for it to grow into,it's either gonna be floros or a bigger grow room


Active Member
i'd just go with 2 0r 3 cool white energy saver compact fluorescent lights and then switch to warm whites when u want to budd them up and i'd spray paint the whole inside of the case white or line it with mylar sheeting to get the maximum efficiency out of the lights. and i would also consider hooking the fans up to a cellphone charger instead of using a computer power supply to run them as that will chew up more power then u really want to for such a small grow space. good luck with it anyways let us know how you go


Well-Known Member
it's still a hid,you need space between it and plants,maybe consider envirolites,they're pretty bright(1000w output for 200 in for some of them) and dont give much heat


Well-Known Member
That light is a halogen, never a good idea, creates an amazing amount of heat. I would suggest buying an envirolight or any horticultural CFL. Stealth hydroponics has good high powered CFL's that use a traditional bulb sockets. If your growing in a computer case/tower I would buy one a little on the larger side, most people who grow in those use cases slightly larger then the usual home PC. I would also install as many computer fans as posable, good ventilation is key. To keep the hight down you can buy Humboldt County's Own Bushmaster, it will keep them small and compact, it's even offered with the commercially made PC Grow cases. A small DWC hydroponics system in the bottom is what is usually used in most, it's dirt cheap, VERY simple, gives you great results and gives you more space then with soil. I'm helping my friend build one as we speak, thats what we are doing.


Well-Known Member
yeah they mean the tower case, the CPU casing ( housing ) you know where you would put cd's, cd rom's, floppy disk, etc. except for of course it would be gutted



Well-Known Member
I think the consensus here is that you just won't be able to do it. You can only hope to do so much in that small of a space.

I'm wondering how the hell a HPS reflector hood would even fit into a computer case.

I think you would end up spending more money than you think and ending up with a worse outcome than expected.


Well-Known Member
lol its not worth it in my opinion to grow a single plant indoors you might as well plant 30 seeds out side


Well-Known Member
yeah I agree with him, your not going to fit anything else in there

Even if you some how could I bet it would look pretty suspicious and I thought that was the whole point of growing in a CPU housing ( for a stealth grow )

just use floros with your little box your arnt gonna get anything else in it


Active Member
dude i bet it could be done. some old computers are freaking huge. just put some cfl's in there and do a scrog,maybe grow a predominately indica plant that might not get as lanky as a sativa. good luck. i cant wait to see how it turns out.