Growing in a windy area???


Active Member
Hi... I'm new to growing and I was wondering how the wind would effect the growth of the plant? It gets pretty windy here sometimes considering I live by the bay. I want to keep my plants outside sometimes, but will end up growing them indoors.


Well-Known Member
introduce them to a box fan. start low for 2 days, med for 2 days, and fast from there. Make sure they are around 3 to 4 weeks old before giving thema full on blast. This will train and strengthen your stems for sure. good luck.


M Blaze

Well-Known Member
You can stake your plants and tie the plant to the stake if you are really worried about the wind harming them but over time the stems will thicken up to cope with the wind. As previously mentioned use a fan ifn the younger stages to get them used to the conditions.