growing in a rental


Well-Known Member
tell me what you think i rent i want to grow good idea or fucken ell mate where the fuck did you scrape your brains from this morning?
Have you spoken to your landlord? Cops and feds are enough to worry about, no reason to add landlord to the list of people that can participate in screwing you... Growing in a rental property is just as illegal as growing in your own home, so keep that in mind.:joint:
yah its not a good idea but if they dont do inspection then a small grow could be posable in a tent with scrubbers, I still feel its
not a good idea though, good luck
ok so can i end up over powering my plant smell so my room doesnt smell. yes scrubber but what other methode can i use to get my MJ(my phantom pain at this point is really fucked)
I rent my home and grow but its a house never an apt. Just wait a month and see how the landlord is mine dont come by ever. Just make sure the house and yard is always clean have company over once in a while be frindly to neibors and mine your own business other ppl got dead bodys and all types of shit going on in there home you should be alright.
every comment that goes for a YAH! gives me more energy to want to do it, then people who say nah. i really believe i could pull it off i just dont no if i want to risk it this soon in my life( im 23). but on the other hand i just took a 500mg 5lortab and it didnt even do a damn thing. so add up all this shit. lithium,lors,hydroxyz pam(sleep) and flexiril. ive got as much to lose as all of you. its just weighing my pros and cons. but thanks to everyone. keep the non-bias info coming.o and can white seeds germinate(dont want to waste any valuables i might have
im in a rental...i have a very nice lil 36"x36" grow tent in full swing at the moment....just dont tell anybody about it....if i could keep my wife from finding out my indoor grow...noone but me would no..
go for it..i have been growing in rentals for years..its the best way to go..but u have to keep inmind of the landlord.if its one that as long as the rents paid they wont bother u and yr strait..if your in a complex they may have yearly inspections so u will have to shut down stuff for a little while while they do that..then u have to look to where your goona grow...the best one i ever did in a rental was a 2 story 2 car garage bonus room over the garage..i had a 28 by 13 feet space..i still have dreams of that room .. we have 4 4 foot by 8 flood tables runnin in the house with 8000 can work..but u just have to know what your doing...
i have so many peole going in and out of my house and not a "1" of my friends or family(cept my wife) knows i grow AT ALL.....NOBODY........IF and thats a big if...i do sell some of my personally own grown pot...i dont tell them i grew it.....