Growing Help :P



I'm pretty new to growing my own but have been around it for a while. I have a little prob though :P I have OCD and due to that I have always needed to know everything about it.... guess that's a good thing. On that line I have 3 plants currently growing and would like to turn them into huge plants that I can hug and love... and ... :fire:


* If you dont have your light/dark schedule on point can that really mess with the plants?

* What's the best way to know if your over/under watering your plants?

*Some of the leaves are brown shriveling, should I cut them off and whats the best way to do so? (Pretty worried about this)

* I keep my fan on in the room, its not directly over them but It does hit them with air. Is that a good idea?


I have everything set up in my closet, with everything I need (hopefully). Water, Light, Dark when needed, Fertilizer, and food. I'm currently going with 18 hours of light and 6 hours of dark. My 3 plants are about 3" tall. 1 in a pot, and 2 in the other. My main concern, because its happening right now, is that some of the leaves are turning brown and seem to be dying. What should I do?


I'll be checking in and out for updates but thank you to everyone in advance for your help


--Happy Growing :leaf: