Growing Height Help!


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I started my soil grow 19 days ago but my skunk plants are smaller then they should be (I think). The tallest one is about 7cm and the other one about 5-6cm. Is this ok.

I have 12 other plants growing with them.

Also, my tallest plant has yellow bits on the edges of the leaves. I looked on FAQS and they said heat damage or nutrient something. It is on the top and bottom leaves.



Active Member
Hello mate,

As for the size that could be something to do with the nute/light burn!
What soil you using?
What nutes have used if any?
What's the temp in you room?

But back to the yellowing i had the same problem with my blue cheese and that turned out to be a (n) problem
but shes 3wks into veg and just hungry earlier then i thought she would! That was soon fixed with a dose of cannabio vegas.

If you put up any of the info i've asked for i'll try help you out.

Good luck either way mate



Well-Known Member
in your first grow its normal.
when correctly grown they will be larger, but as a newbie one would expect nothing more.
My first grow was at about the same rate.

If you stunt the growth by applying any stress - they will grow slower.
Its unlikely that a newbie will know how to dial in all the factors to create a stress-free enviroment at the first go.

the yellow\brown bit on the end of the leaves that look like burns are nutrients burns. that how the plant is telling you that you'r burning its roots with a solution that is too strong for it.

Overnuting burns the roots hairs and defy them from getting what they need. That translates to burnt leaf tips and very stunted growth.
That sounds like your issue.

If you use a good pre-fertilized soil you should add any nutes.
Its also possible that your pre-mixed soil is already too hot. That can be fixed by waiting - the plant will use the nutes to the stage it can take the heat. Meanwhile it will be stunted a bit.

You should read this:

I don't agree with all that is written but it should help you get a hang to start with.