Growing direction.?.?.? **PICS**


Active Member
How could I make my plant more bushy and not as tall, it is a hermie and it is flowering a little, pollen has been released though. Not sure how this is going to progress.

There is a pic for you, its been growing for 43 days and on 12/12 since the start





Well-Known Member
Don't know why you want to waste your time with a hermie. I'd just scrap it and try again... but if you're intent on keepin' it and want to slow down the upward growth, you can tie it down. Heres a pic to help you understand...



Active Member
Its my only plant, so I want some seeds and I thought I could get some shitty bud from it also.

Thanks for the pic, you sure that wouldn't just snap the stem though?


Active Member
unfortunately i'm used to picking through my buds to remove the seeds. Round my rural part of England get anything is good.


New Member
OK the second round of pics showed it to me. I just couldn't see how anyone could tell from the first pic. Got some experts here I think. Plus my eyes kind of suck, had to get bifocals this year :(

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Try picking the balls off before they can drop pollen? Just a thought. By the way, all the seeds will most likely produce hermies too if my understanding is correct.


Active Member
Everyone seems to have an opinion on what kind of seeds a hermie will have, but no ones seems to know for sure. I guess i'll have to give it a go and find out for y'all.

Also, I didn't say that anyone could tell it was hermie from the first pic, It was just to show the general growth. I don't doubt that some people on here could tell though.



wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
You'll get fem seeds if you know it was definately an all female plant to begin with then you stressed it out to make it hermie. If genetically it was a hermie all along it won't produce just fem seeds. Again I could use the back up of some really serious botanists/growers on here to verify that though.


Junior Creatologist
im not a botanist, but ive been reading Somas guide to breeding for the last couple days, and if youve got a female that stressed to the point of becoming a hermie, its gonna produce feminized seeds. you could also introduce ethyline into the seeds environment after you pop them out of their pods and it will increase their chances of becoming female to about 99.99999%. So yeah, its a good thing that your fem hermied in that sense, but it sucks that your not gonna get any good sensi outta the deal. might get a little bit of some decent smoke though.

N in case you didnt know but i assume you do, cuz you should :D

Sensimillia -- Seedless danky marijuana
shit --- everything else (LOL)

-obviously thats sarcasm, ive smoked ALOT of really good middies that had seeds in it, but if you got the choice, Sensi is the smoke you wanna be.


Junior Creatologist
That's what I thought, but I didn't want to say it because I've never had a hermie so I couldn't say from experience. This hermie might be a good thing after all.

this is completely unrelated to what you said here, but ummm

Any girl that has Fredrick Kreuger for a role model aint never goin anywhere near muh nutsack, or muh johnson n johnson for that matter....*runs away* :P


Active Member
im not a botanist, but ive been reading Somas guide to breeding for the last couple days, and if youve got a female that stressed to the point of becoming a hermie, its gonna produce feminized seeds. you could also introduce ethyline into the seeds environment after you pop them out of their pods and it will increase their chances of becoming female to about 99.99999%. So yeah, its a good thing that your fem hermied in that sense, but it sucks that your not gonna get any good sensi outta the deal. might get a little bit of some decent smoke though.

N in case you didnt know but i assume you do, cuz you should :D

Sensimillia -- Seedless danky marijuana
shit --- everything else (LOL)

-obviously thats sarcasm, ive smoked ALOT of really good middies that had seeds in it, but if you got the choice, Sensi is the smoke you wanna be.
WORD, seedless is the cats meow