Growing Box question

I have a 30 inch tall and 2 foot wide grow box made out of a dresser. Before I begin I would like to know if two 18 inch fluorescent lights kept 4 1/2 inches away from my seedlings would grow them. They are being placed in Scott's potting soil (4 month feed fertilizer already added) I'm most likely gonna have nutrients here soon for the plants if it gets to about 4 inches tall with healthy leaves and stems. Since I currently don
t have access to any mylar for light reflection, I'm just gonna go with aluminum foil. That is pretty much it on how my setup is. I'm hoping to grow atleast 3 females out of six seedlings in this grow, all harvested as mini's because lack of space. Please tell me your concerns and thoughts. I also will have a small fan inside for circulation. Thanks Roll-it Up.


Well-Known Member
If you don't plan on keeping them using the two 18 inches throughout the whole grow then yeah, use it. I would start buying cfl's.


Active Member
Use the more duller side of the aluminum foil. Do you have any fans for air circulation? Posting pics of your setup will help everyone help you better.