Growing autoflowers under 1,000 HPS?


Hi everyone. I'm growing 25 autos under a 1,000 HPS. The lamp is 4 feet from the plants, which are in various stages of growth. Some are three weeks old, some are just sprouting.

My question is, is my 1,000 HPS too much light for the autos? I don't want to burn them, but I have no problem using it because I have lots of plants under them.

Some of the plants, such as diesel and blueberry, are turning yellow. It looks like they may be getting scorched, or maybe it's because they are freaking out by the fertilizer in my Ocean Forest. The blues are very sensitive.

My Great White Sharks, on the other hand, don't seem to mind the light or soil.

Should I buy smaller lights? If so, what types?

I've also been reading that autoflowering strains should be planted directly in a 5 L bucket once they sprout. I like to start plants in Jiffy because I'm worried about nute burn.

Thanks so much for the help. I'll keep you all updated on the grow.