horrible service


Active Member
Ordered a HLG 135 on this website on 7/8. I only orderd from them because they said ships next buisness day. Its now been 10 days and ive still not recieved any tracking info. Ive called multiple times and left voicemails sent 2 emails and ive have yet to actualy hear anything from this company they never answer the phone. What should i do? At this point i just want my money back but i dont know how since they do not respond to emails or answer the phone.
File a claim with your cc company to get your $$$ back
Bob is on point. The last time I disputed a charge my funds were deposited back in my account within 4 hours. Easy peezy lemon squeezy. Login to your online account and select the charge. Typically there is a dispute option available. Follow the on screen prompts. Why were you defrauded? Never received my order, product didn't match description, forth. You will be issued a provisional credit the same day, and the bank will recover your funds from the merchant. That's what the industry calls a charge back. Charge those motherfuckers back. Send them a nice email telling them they're a bunch of fraudster low life pieces of shit for good measure. Always makes me feel better :)

By the way, you are waiting for your light because all of the components come from China. HLG just assembles all the Chinese made shit here and marks up their lights 40%, so they can claim "assembled in America with global materials." It's just some asshole with a big credit line ordering everything from China, paying his workers to assemble the components, and then marking up the units 40%. Sure they'll kiss your ass with great customer service. They're making a boatload of money off of you. When they run out of stock on components they place another big order, and wait for it to arrive which means all of the distributors that sell HLG equipment get to wait also.

Food for thought here. Starbucks runs their business the same as HLG. Copious amounts of ass kissing to disguise the fact that they are fucking every customer that walks through the door. Every time I have ever been to Starbucks out of desperation for caffeine on a busy work day, the ass kissing and phoney attitudes were just absurd. When you're charging a customer $5 for a fucking coffee kissing a little ass keeps their mind off the fucking they just received. And judging by the manners of most Starbucks customers I've observed, the barista at Starbucks is most likely their only friend in the world, and they'll happily continue paying them to play pretend for $5 for hot water run through ground coffee.

I will say, I have observed some of the most amazing yoga-pants-butt-cheeks in my life at Starbucks. Hell, on a bad day I'd give them $5 just for that. What can I say? Cheap thrills still excite me, especially on a bad day.
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Just got a refund from they never responded to any of my calls or emails not even to say they were giving me a refund. 2 weeks and not a word from them. DONT do buisness with this company
Just got a refund from they never responded to any of my calls or emails not even to say they were giving me a refund. 2 weeks and not a word from them. DONT do buisness with this company
My order from them went well. I knew I'd have to wait a little extra for him to build my first light. I'm sure he's even busier now with Covid and everybody starting to grow weed. He'd probably have sent it right away if you didn't want him to put it together for you.
Well that sucks, I ordered from them a few years ago and they answered the phone and were knowledgeable about the lights. I had the same issue lately with an ac website. It turns out that everyone used their covid money for ac. They had like 10 times the amount of orders as this time last year. They just weren't setup for the volume and were trying to hire people and catch up but it made customer service terrible. I made a bad review and someone the company had brought in from outside to help called me to see if was anyway to fix the issue. I ended up with decent discount and they finally shipped me the unit. But man was all that stressful compared to any online purchase I've ever made.
My order from them went well. I knew I'd have to wait a little extra for him to build my first light. I'm sure he's even busier now with Covid and everybody starting to grow weed. He'd probably have sent it right away if you didn't want him to put it together for you.
I didnt need it assembled i just ordered the diy kit. Ordered from someone else on th 19th and it will be here tomorrow all he had to do was reply to 1 call or email in 2 weeks
I didnt need it assembled i just ordered the diy kit. Ordered from someone else on th 19th and it will be here tomorrow all he had to do was reply to 1 call or email in 2 weeks
That sucks. I only ordered for him once, but that was 1 1/2 years ago. Was the HLG site outta stock? And if you ever do order from HLG use coupon code "RIU10" for an extra 10% off.