
Does this thing actually work? Is it a reliable site? I would like to get some feedback... Thanks :leaf:

it is open source so it up to him and everyone that helps out how well it would work. the prototype look like its working. i asked if there could be a C02 sensor. it is open source so I was just think of doing a lot of the work my self making the sensor... it sound like he want to make everything automatic so the ph balances it self. i hope he does the ppm/ec too. i love the whole data collaboration for growing to.

ya the site is reliable they have many projects that make millions. if he doesn't make it to his goals he doesn't get the money so it need some support



growerbot is my project; it's an expansion of garduino, an automated garden project I built several years ago. Software and hardware will be fully open-sourced, as I have for the garduino ( ).

No co2 sensor is currently planned, but I'd be happy to add an option with one if people are interested. Please let me know any other questions.
