grow tent vent issues

Hey all, thanks for continued help and support, we all were noobs at some point, right?

so I recently purchased a grow tent and have a few questions. I have a hood with 8" vents, and was planning on purchasing carbon filter with an 8" flange. However, the tent I just bought only has 4" vents. Should I just buy a 8" to 6" flange and then a 6" to 4" flange? That just seems like alot of wasted air that I need to cool this 1000w hood in the tent. Also, does my filter have to be inside the tent? And ideally, i wanted to go Carbon Filter --> Inline fan --> ducting --> Hood --> vent. Is this possible at all? Any help would be great, thanks again!


Active Member
Yea the filter should be inside the tent preferably near the ceiling just as you've indicated as you want your filter to scrub the hot, stinky air inside the tent before it goes outside of it. As far as the ducting size you could possibly modify the tent a bit and increase the 4" vent to make it an 8" right? Barring this I'd say you'd have to do as you say and use the 2 flanges to reduce the outgoing air to a manageable size.
Thanks for your help! I think cutting the 4" vents to accommodate the 8" ducting is likely my best bet. I have my 754 cfm inline, and another 400cfm induct fan to help push air, what do you think would bd the best way to arrange all these upon making the tents vents 8"?


Active Member
Thanks for your help! I think cutting the 4" vents to accommodate the 8" ducting is likely my best bet. I have my 754 cfm inline, and another 400cfm induct fan to help push air, what do you think would bd the best way to arrange all these upon making the tents vents 8"?
Well I think you had it right the first time with: Filter --> Fan --> Ducting --> Hood --> Vent where you could add the booster right after the hood. I'd imagine you have a fairly large tent like the one that is set up at my local indoor garden shop. They have it set up just like that w/out the booster but their tent is just for show. I'd imagine you'd set up the booster *after* any sort of large kinks in the ducting as those are the places where airflow decreases the most.