Grow Tent Size???


Active Member
I am researching the purchase of a grow tent and am not exactly sure what size I need. I am planning on having 6 Mothers perpetually in the Veg. Phase and having 4 Clones in the Flowering Phase. I figure when I pull the clones for harvest I can immediately cut 4 more clones from the Mothers and put them in the Flowering Phase. For this I am thinking I will need 2 tents of course. I am thinking I will need a 5x5x5 tent for both phases at a minimum but I am not really sure. I am thinking I should be able to harvest about 4 ounces every couple of months or so with this schedule? Can anyone confirm my thinking or correct me??? Thanks ya'll...


Well-Known Member
With a 1000 watt HPS in a 4x4 tent you would have over 62 watts per square foot. You could get far more than 4 ounces every couple months.


Active Member
with a tent that size you can grow a lot more than 4 oz What light you gonna be using?
Well I guess that must be over-kill. I only want about the 4 Oz mark every 2 months, how many plants do you think I need for that? Think a smaller tent is more appropriate? and I still have to use 2 tents, right? One for Veg, one for Budding?

I have a 8 bulb fixture of T5's now that I am planning on using for the Veg. Phase for the Budding Phase I am thinking I will just go ahead and buy a 400 HPS?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
why so many moms for minimal flowering. for only 4 in flower id can do with 1 mom easy

new guy25

Well-Known Member
A 1m/1m/2m tent with a 400 hps for your budding and a 1m/0.5m vegging cab with 250 blue CFL (my setup) and you could easy pull 4 oz every 2 mth

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
hell i have 1 mom of tora bora here and can take about 10 every 2 weeks from 1 plant. its betetr to take more than needed for cuts as weeker ones should be weeded out and only use the best.
you want to run a 1k. i just got rid of one here. ran it in a 5x5 foot print. had 6 plants in 2 gal pots and all was under 2 foot tall inc pots. i pulled 22 oz dry


Active Member
A 1m/1m/2m tent with a 400 hps for your budding and a 1m/0.5m vegging cab with 250 blue CFL (my setup) and you could easy pull 4 oz every 2 mth
Since I already have the T5 setup (8 bulbs 6500 K) how can I incorporate that into the system, I just hate to let it go since I just bought it...

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
norml veg time as well or they get to tall and is a waste of light and time. i have pics if wanted of this

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
T-5 are bomb for moms n vegging. get a tent to house that, are they 4 footers. get the 4x4 tent. is realy bigger but called 4x4. same as im buyin next weekend. that will do all moms and cutings.


Well-Known Member
I have a 4x4 tent for my first grow. I have 7 plants at almost 3 weeks flower, and it seems to be getting pretty crowded in there. I am also thinking about using 2 tents for the same process. I am going to keep the 4x4 for veg and getting a 8x8 for flower. The plant double in size why shouldn't there enviroment.


Active Member
hell i have 1 mom of tora bora here and can take about 10 every 2 weeks from 1 plant. its betetr to take more than needed for cuts as weeker ones should be weeded out and only use the best.
you want to run a 1k. i just got rid of one here. ran it in a 5x5 foot print. had 6 plants in 2 gal pots and all was under 2 foot tall inc pots. i pulled 22 oz dry
Ah I see, so if I figure I want 4 good clones that I want to work out, I had better take about 8 from the Mother... Thats a lot, may be I had just better go with 2 moms and stick with that...


Active Member
T-5 are bomb for moms n vegging. get a tent to house that, are they 4 footers. get the 4x4 tent. is realy bigger but called 4x4. same as im buyin next weekend. that will do all moms and cutings.
Cool, then what size do you think I need for 4 plants in the budding phase?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ya id stay with 1 or 2 moms and alternate what ones i cut from to allow them to heal between cuts.

ok bloom you already own the 1k light. id suggest if not use a 600. way cooler so we can get them closer and use the light in a more efficient way and produce betetr end result