Grow Tent. 340 cfm extract, Windburned leaves Help!

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
i have a dr80 secret jardin that i use for veg. i run a 340 cfm whisperline panasonic inline fan on exhaust no active air intake, all my vents are fully open even my two 4inch intake holes are open but no inline fans in them just passive air intake (No Active) just 2 led ufo's in there duct straight to phresh filter wich has barely any resistance, i get wind burn when they get big if i put a speed contoller on my fan it humms cause it's not speed switch compatable, but i dimm it down anyways but i was thinking if i bought two 80cfm inline fans for the ports on the bottom, would it stop the wind burned leaves? i also have a 4x4x7 sunhut i use for flower and before i used active air intake i would get droopy leaves from lack of oxygen, but that was all fixed with intake fans! i use a 440cfm with that tent, any help please on intake outtake rule?? just plain negative pressure is bad..