grow room temperature and humidity


Active Member
HI i was wondering if my grow room tempture is to high is 28 with lights on and 20-21 when lights are of i am in my first week of flower i have tried to get it to go down useing more fans but aint working will my plants be ok? thanks
my HUMIDITY is 51%?-59% day & night


Well-Known Member
humidity is fine for now... temps should be between 70-85f i dnt recall what that converts to celcius prolly 20-25 if i remember correctly but the grow faq does have the info and prolly wouldnt be hard to look it up


Well-Known Member
During veg, 50-60, during flower 35-50..... Temp is fine at 82, add CO2 and you will have a pefect environment for your ladies!


Active Member
i am uaing soil this is my first grow some of my white widow leafs are curling on the edges not the tips can u help with this???


Active Member
the old fan leafs but thay aint the old i am only five days into flower i will take a photo but not sure how to put on web sile