Grow Room: Spend 3k. Winner gets prize.


Active Member
Hi all,

My buddies and I are starting a smallish grow. We have 3k to spend and already have an apartment rented out. I wanted to ask the wise people of this forum how they would spend the money to get the most bang for your buck. If people play along, this could get really interesting and everyone would be able to see how some of the best do it. Whoever comes up with the idea that we eventually use, will get $100.


List all supplies needed for your idea, along with prices. Then calculate an overall total. Assume we have no supplies to speak of. The only restrictions are that included in your idea, you must include the price of seeds and grow tents. This is pre-determined. All of your ideas MUST have plants in grow tents, whether vegging or flowering.

You can go as in depth into your plan as you wish, but please include the style of growing i.e. screen of green, sea of green, lollipopping, etc...

So, use your imagination and spend 3k. Have fun with it, and hopefully learn something along the way from the other fine growers of RIU.


Active Member
3k and you want to start a grow house? that will get you 1 carbon filter and a couple of 1000watters and maybe a clone tent.


Well-Known Member
A good rule...don't rent your grow space. In the end, you don't completely control access. How would you like a landlord investigating an emergency maintenance problem to find a $3000 grow opp and turn you in? There are many, many posts on RIU that discuss this very subject...and they usually involve warrants being served.
