Grow Room Question/Grow Questions

Hello All I am a newcomber to the whole grow scene and was hoping I could get some input. I have been researching it for quite some time but always got discouraged because everyone has a different technique/grow room set up. I am trying to keep it basic while I am learning. I plan on doing a grow in a 8x10 foot room with 9 foot ceilings. I am purchasing one 600 mh/hps light to start, and a 6 inch inline fan/carbon filter set up. I plan on planting 5 seeds in 5 10 gallon pots. I read up on coco coir but I am afraid of messing it up so I plan on using soil for my first growwhile I learn the ropes. The question I have is..what nutrients should I use (trying to keep it to the minumin) how far should the light always remain from the top of the light...and how much yield should I expect from 5 plants under 1 600w set up ...thank you and I know alot of these questions are answered but everyone has different set ups so I figured I would ask with a posting of my specifics.. 8x10 room...1 600w hps/mh light...1 inline fan 6" carbon filter, 5 ak 48 plants 10 gallon buckets...thanks evryone :leaf:


bud bootlegger
ten gallon buckets... they gonna be some big momma's.... jesshhh... i would say maybe three or four o's from each plant .. or somewhere in that area.. as for distances from the light.. somewhere around two feet range should be good... put your hand above your canopy.. if the light feels hot to your hand, it will also feel hot for your plants..


New Member
I would close part of that room off and make it 4x4 as that's about as big a footprint as that 600 can make and pick urslef of a bottlof advanced nutes grow and bloom and some unsulphured molasses. Other than that apply ur basic knowledge and have fun


Active Member
I agree with the other two.:bigjoint:

Also sometimes on your first grow you can feel presserd get everything perfect (most if not all always make some kind of mistake)

For now anyway try and focus on giveing your plants happy and healthy life, if at the end of the day you get 1oz off all 5 plants (lol you wont with 10gal pots, 600w and some care) but yeah that would still be the best 1oz you ever smoked becuase you made it lol hope you kinda get that.

And preperation is the best thing to do if you have any questions ASK becuase there are some amazing people on this forum that are nice and helpfull.

happy growing mate :lol::lol::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Thanks everyone for your input!! I'm going to grow the AK-48...So because I'm planting them in 10 gallon pots as opposed to 5 I should expect a bigger yield? from start to finish this should take me 16 weeks growing that strain correct? and does 3-4 z's per plant with the conditions of one 600w hps/mh set up from 5 plants sound close? Thans- future grower.


Well-Known Member
I would advise against starting in ten gallon pots. Over-watering is such a common mistake for new growers. If you do that in a ten gallon pot it'll take a long time to dry out, and you end up with nute deficiencies and stunted growth. I personally would start in one gallon pots, so you can get a feel for exactly how much watering needs to be done, then upcan to the desired size once you get things figured out.


Active Member
I would advise against starting in ten gallon pots. Over-watering is such a common mistake for new growers. If you do that in a ten gallon pot it'll take a long time to dry out, and you end up with nute deficiencies and stunted growth. I personally would start in one gallon pots, so you can get a feel for exactly how much watering needs to be done, then upcan to the desired size once you get things figured out.

yeah would be a better idea there a ratio of the amount of watering to the size of the pot/amount of soil per 3 days or is it jus based off of how much the girls like to drink?


Well-Known Member there a ratio of the amount of watering to the size of the pot/amount of soil per 3 days or is it jus based off of how much the girls like to drink?
Well first off, you'll want to add some perlite to your soil mixture. Improve your drainage, and aeration. Try and find the big n chunky variety. You dont want a bag that has all different kinds of sizes unless you're going to screen it first. Fox farms sells the big n chunky variety but its expensive. How uniform the perlite is, I dont really know. Hopefully someone has used it and can give us a clue about that.

Most recommendations are to water until you get 10-15% runoff, but Ive found out that leads to over-watering on small plants and seedlings that are unable to use up all that excess water.

If the soil already has nutes in it, ala Fox Farms Ocean Forest, or Happy frog I would just water enough till you get a few drops to come out.

When they get bigger around 3-4 weeks and you start introducing liquid nutes, then you want that 10-15% runoff to flush out unused nutes from before. Plus your plants will be big enough to use up that excess water quicker without slowly suffocating(that is if they've grown at a good rate, barring any fuckups along the way).
Awesome, thank you so much for your help and I look foward to posting my progress on here..should I just post all of my progress on this thread to get some insight, or some where else? Also, has any one else grow the ak-48 strain, and how were your results?


Well-Known Member
Awesome, thank you so much for your help and I look foward to posting my progress on here..should I just post all of my progress on this thread to get some insight, or some where else? Also, has any one else grow the ak-48 strain, and how were your results?
Theres a subforum for grow-journals. Start one there, and let people know they're free to post. Use it for your questions and hopefully you'll get good answers :).

Ive never grown ak-48, but Im sure you'll find some threads about it if you use the search function/thread titles ;)