grow room problems


Active Member
i started a grow room 3 foot by 3 foot and 6 foot high . i have a 400 watt light also have a exhaust fan running to the outside and a intake fan that i am pulling some air in from outside . i also have a vent running into the room that is hooked to a a/c unit . and i have been keeping the room around 75 to 77 . i also have a co2 tank and been hitting the room a few times a day . my problem is the plants are drying up the leaves where nice and green and then i put them in the room and they slowly started to turn yellow and die off . could this be because i am not pulling enough outside air into the room or could it be something to do with the co2 . i had some plants outside in the yard and they where doing great getting big and nice and green when i moved them into the room the slowly started to turn yellow and die off any clue what i am doing wrong here . should i get a bigger intake fan and pump more outside air in ...please help i might have to start over .....thanks for your time and any help on this


Well-Known Member
Lose the Co2 just for process of elimination reasons. It could be the drastic change in enviorment. I'm guessing but I bet your humidity changed drastically with the pumped in a/c as well as the closed in conditions.