Grow room moisture problem....

Hi! I'm new to the whole growing inside, and I have a few questions....

Im using a spare bedroom as my grow room, and during the whole grow phase everything was fine (used a 400 watt MH), but now im almost 3 weeks into flowering (using a 600w HPS), and im starting to notice moisture droplets on 2 small spots on my cieling (both about a 1x1 area). The humidity in the room is NEVER over 50%, the temp is about 75. I try to wipe it down, and vent out the room (i have a bathroom fan installed that vents it into my attic, and the room window is cracked to let in fresh air). All that does is drops the humidity ALOT, and the temp a little, but the drops just come back the next day. ....I was going to put that plastic stuff on the ceiling, but with the moisture drops just coming back all the time, is that a good idea? I dont want to TRAP moisture under the plastic.... Im so confused :-(

Is there somethin Im doing wrong? Someone mentioned somethin to me about the insulation in the attic might be lifted up in that spot, but would that be causing moisture drops in the room??? (havent looked at the insulation yet, im still at work, will look when i get home) I'm sorry if these questions sound dumb, but im trying my best to learn!!


Active Member
Might want to check to make sure you don't have a leaky pipe or water coming in from another location in your home. It might be condensation but if it's forming in the same spot over and over again most likely its a leak of some sort. If you had water from high humidity it wouldn't continually be in the same spots it would be much more random and the room would be unbearably humid for you to have that kind of issue.