Grow of perfection

Hey wats up rit world?
Jus finished my 1st successfull pc grow with some trainwreck n didn get much yeild long story short,
I'm workim workin toawrd gettin this storage cabinet from lowes (70"H x 48"W x 21"D) and bulind it to PERFECTION. polished white finish,inside 2 even vertical chambers I'm guessing 24" width. At the top about a foot away from the cabin ceiling ther is a 48 inch shelf that crosses both chambers and makes a 3rd chamber smaller chamber

Ok ok now the good part
I realize everybody has different views and opinions so I was wondering how some of you all knowing growing guru's would go about setting up this box for optimal results

1.3 chamber box:As for me I was thinkin about leaving the 2 (70"Hx24"Wx21"D) chambers and makin a veg room n a bloom room, housing rubbermaid DWC (bubbleponics) with perferably 8 planths cycleing every 3-4months top horizantal chamber will hold ballast and wires ect.

2.Air Flow :Not sure how much air exchage ima need so I was plannin on gettin 5 bathroom fans 2 on the ouside of eaxh xhamber (intake and exhaust) and maybe one in between the 2 chambers to exhage the air between the 2 chambers as well

3.odor control: the ordor eliminating cfl has caught my eye n will probably b used in the room outside of the grow box due to the lights creating ozone

4.Lighting: 400 watt mh and hps lights (I already know and kinda countin on somebody correcting me if this is not right) I'm no good with the math of lumens and square feet even though I've read instuctions on it more then 1nce I'm thinkin 400 - 250 should b good for the space provided. Also interested on what the pro's have to say about how many cfls n what wattage wud b sufficient for the same space provided

4.Scrog Screens and lst hooks mylar all that good stuff

I w***I'm interested in what you PROFESSIONALS would do or wha u like and don't like about my plan like the title says I'm shootin for the grow of perfection n I can't do it without all of you guys infinite wisdom and experience***
Pls dnt hesitate to critizie =)
generally a side by side version of this closetroom.gif i look forward to any feed back to come this way ya i kno how u guys do the noobs ;) lol