Grow Journal Bag Seed -- Zikki (Pictures)


Active Member
Soooo i decided i would document the growth of my very own seeds. It's not at my house so im worried about the growth of them already. But i'm gonna try my best to keep them healthy and make sure they grow up big an strong just like daddy! lol. But yes, I started germinating them in the napkin thats damp, stuffed in a cup and stored in a dark spot. Checked it, no luck, so i got some of what i THOUGHT was Rock wool, but the guy ended up selling me somethin else (im a newb) and i took that instead. ended up workin and so far only 3 of 17 have broke shell, but they are my PRECIOUS!

So i started the germ process on monday and i moved the seeds from the napkins to the imitation rockwool thursday night. Friday after work (roughly 6 o clock) i checked and 3 have sprouted. I have named them 1, 2 and 3. But i only took pictures of 1 and 2 because they are the ones that are most noticablely out there. So here they go.

As of Day 6 (Saturday April 12th)

The first 2 are Plant 1. And the second 2 are plant 2. Let me know what they look like to ya'll! i know its early, but some of ya'll are experts and just KNOW shit!. lol.

And i have a question.... Do i water while they in the seedling stage? If so, how often?



Well-Known Member
What do you have those seedling in? Rockwool is ideal for a hdryo system. The soil should be watered down somewhat before putting them in there. After that, don't water but maybe like once a week. You probably won't even need to do that. Guess it all depends on your soil and how good it is.


Active Member
Its actually not rockwool that i'm using. Its a plug called "Rapid Rooter" and its made for Propagating Cuttings and Germinating Seeds. I'm about to post pictures again in like 15 minutes.


Active Member
So here is an update since yesterday for my little babys. Found a bug on em, Still doin my research on what to get em and i plan to get that tomorrow. I found the bug this mornin and haven't seen it since. I think i killed it kuz it flew at me and i took it out. lol. But check it, lemme know what ya'll think.

Day 7, Just startin :)

1 This is my deformed one. I actually had to physically move her up a little bit because she was stuck.

2 This one wasn't even out of the soil yesterday so i didnt have a picture. But this morning i went and checked on her and got a nice suprise :).

3 This is my biggest baby right now, Growin like a weed. lol. NO pun intended.

4 These are my babys. triplets :-)



Active Member
Day 8

And their still on the rise. I thought i was gonna lose number one for a second. But i went to work this mornin, checked on them after work before i came home, and she finally started to break open that seed shell :). Proud parent over here! Of course i got pictures.

I need to know if im ready to move them over to soil now. Anybody know?

Also, Should i still keep em under 24 hour light, and whats the best but cheapest light to use right now.

1. My deformed late bloomer.

2. My first to bloom.

3. My last to break the surface. (I think she's the prettiest so far, but their all beautiful)

