Grow Can


Active Member
Hey all,
I've been thinkin about starting a small 1 plant setup for a while but have been waiting for the right opportunity and that OG Kush opportunity has just arrived.
For this setup I was thinking instead of 2 30gal tuppaware tubs, I would just use a 50-60 gal trashcan.
I would use this for the veg as well as flowering.
I want to put 2 250w bulbs in the cover
Paint the inside with flat white paint
I would like to hook up a Co2 filter as to keep the smell down
I was thinkin 2 fans, one as an intake and the other as an exhaust. Any recommendations on fans? Would this keep the box cool enough using the 2 250w?
I was also toying with they idea of hydroponics. In this case I would use the DWC bubbler method seeing as I already have most of the supplies. I would keep the main water supply in a separate bucket underneath the can to save vertical room.

Any help is greatly appreciated, I am semi-new to this and have been using the search function as much as I can.
Thankyou in advance


Active Member
Two 250w bulbs put out minimal heat, although you didnt mention space specifics this should really not be an issue if you are have room to stick 2 30 gallon tupperware tubs.

Speaking of which, loose the two 30 gallon tubs. 1 plants root system for an indoor grow would have a hell of a time reaching maximum root space in a 1 or 2 gallon container let alone 30, provided you aren't planning on vegging a single plant for 6 months before flowering (which would be a waste considering your lighting wouldn't hit hardly any growth and the plant would be waaay to tall.

Keep your exhaust up high and intake down low, and figure out how your going to disperse co2 efficiently, ie. while the fans are off and not at night. Keep a small fan on the plant as well to build its strength, and you may well not even need a intake fan if your exhuast is pulling enough, just an air intake area. You seem to be confused as to what co2 is and does, you would need a small carbon filter or even a quality ionizer may fly if its such a small garden. co2 does nothing for smell.

1 plant (unless you are growing a clone) for a beginner is generally a poor idea. It could be male, or any number of novice problems may occur and your yeild for the duration of electric/fertilizer/setup expenses will be very little for the effort put in. Start with 10 seeds or so, if half are males you still end up with a descent harvest and multiple plants ensuring disease or problems that may happen do not result in 0 finish product. veg them adequately and remember, they will grow quite a bit taller through the flowering process so plan according to size limits.

Last thought, leave hydroponics alone until youv'e had a few cycles in organic soil growing, it is MUCH less forgiving for beginers and requires alot more supplies to efficiently produce results.

oh and go get some Mylar, much more reflective than white paint, put those lumens to work for you and bounce them off a source thats made to do it. ;)


Active Member
yea i didnt mean co2 filter i meant carbon filter. my bad. ive grown a few organic outdoor plants so i semi know what im doing. also i think i explained the two 30 gal tubs wrong. i would use them as the enclosure have one standing up and one upside down on top of it. then i would have a smaller bucket of water inside those where the plant would grow the 30 gal tubs are just the enclosure.

i have many other seeds and i pulled this seed out of a very nice bud so im going to germinate and see the sex then decide if i want to get into other options if its a male. i have others to fall back on if i want to try for another female.