grow cabinet in need of some hardware


Active Member
In the process of building my grow cabinet as we speak. It is going to be 7 ft high 5 ft wide and 3ft deep and will be in the basement. It will be a hydroponic system with an air cooled hps light. Beyond that I have no idea what else it is i need. I do know I need an exhaust fan and thats where i need your expertise. I want something that is not to noisy as this will be right below my living room. What kind of fans should I get and what size and cfm should I get? I rather be safe than sorry when it comes to the size of my fans. i want to go bigger rather than smaller as I do not want to have to buy another one if it is not enough power. Will just a pvc elbow be enough for my intake or do I need fans for that also. Keep in mind i will also want some kind of odor control also. If you guys could give me some ideas in these areas it would be GREATLY appreciated. I am so confused when it comes to all the choices of fans and the sizes available. Ventilation is where I need some guidance. Thanks to all for reading my post and for any help you can give.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Get a fan similar to this It will be really really loud, Build one of these That ill reduce the noise to almost nothing, when i built mine i stuffed the inside with foam, shirts, and an old blanket, also after its done i wrapped a comforter around it and i now i cant hear it at all..

Buy a carbon filter, You can make a diy one but honestly in my opinion its worth it to just buy a good one..

Get some insulated ducting

Pvc elbows will be good for intake, Dont use an intake fan, just passive intake holes. Having a strong exhaust like the one i recommended and passive intake holes create negative pressure and make the box smell proof.

Hope this helps.. Good luck


Active Member
Hey thanks a lot. Was wondering if I was able to hook a speed controller to that fan? Anyone else have any ideas on some hardware for my future grow cab. Looking to spend some money to make this the best possible cabinet for many years of use. Thanks again for the response and have a wonderful day.


In the process of building my grow cabinet as we speak. It is going to be 7 ft high 5 ft wide and 3ft deep and will be in the basement. It will be a hydroponic system with an air cooled hps light. Beyond that I have no idea what else it is i need. I do know I need an exhaust fan and thats where i need your expertise. I want something that is not to noisy as this will be right below my living room. What kind of fans should I get and what size and cfm should I get? I rather be safe than sorry when it comes to the size of my fans. i want to go bigger rather than smaller as I do not want to have to buy another one if it is not enough power. Will just a pvc elbow be enough for my intake or do I need fans for that also. Keep in mind i will also want some kind of odor control also. If you guys could give me some ideas in these areas it would be GREATLY appreciated. I am so confused when it comes to all the choices of fans and the sizes available. Ventilation is where I need some guidance. Thanks to all for reading my post and for any help you can give.
Usually I come to these forums to get info, but every now and again I see someone that is going through what I am now.

You never specified if the cab will have multiple chambers (VEG/FLOWER/UTILITY/DRYING) Some have one and some have all of the above. So if you are you will have to figure a way to link all the chambers in a "cross ventilation" setup and all exiting the same exhaust hole. Then you have to consider stink.....oh that stank coming off your beautiful ladies....ahhhh. Okay back to reality. I have a passive intake on the bottom of my cab. It is all PCV (1.5") with 2-90's to trap light. I have 7 total (2 in veg, 5 in flower). Then I have a rail system so I can slide out my ladies. The holes are then tucked under the panel. The cab is raised off the ground with casters. If you wanna go real stealthy you can then put a trim around the border to hide the casters but high enough to let it roll around freely. The wall that separates my veg and flower has 3 more PVC pipes with 2 90's on each side connected with a 3 short 2" long 1.5" PVC pieces glued on the divider wall. It all gets pulled through my 400w cooltube (DIY) with the help of a shaded pole blower that exits out the back. The fan is mounted in the "utility chamber (about 10"H x 11"W x 22"D) I don't know the cfm rating since I bought it at a surplus store. I went to the manufactures website and they had no specs either.

Sorry I know pictures will really help but I am a failure at taking pics during a construction project. I will when its finished though. Stay in touch if you wanna see it eventually.

Now I haven't really test it all yet cause its still under construction and my budget dried up. But I know it will work. Its a very common design that I found and fell in love with. It unfortunately is from another forum. If you want the link PM me.

Over all good luck and stay safe!

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Hey thanks a lot. Was wondering if I was able to hook a speed controller to that fan? Anyone else have any ideas on some hardware for my future grow cab. Looking to spend some money to make this the best possible cabinet for many years of use. Thanks again for the response and have a wonderful day.

Ya you can def hook a speed controller to it, But i promise with that box and insulated ducting it will make the ambient noise almost non-existant!

Good luck