Grow cabinet design


Active Member
Hey, Im ready to build my grow cab and I thought I'd get some last minute suggestions from you pros before going out and getting the wood. The goal is to grow and flower 8-9 (smallish) plants in this thing. There will be a system of PC fans taking in air at the bottom through a carbon filter, snaking it through each level, and then exiting at the top through another carbon filter. This will provide fresh air for the plants and get rid of the lamp heat.

The one thing im not sure about is my CO2 generating solution. SInce I am constantly cycling the air through the enclosure, I won't have much luck injecting CO2 because soon it will just be blown out. Any ideas?


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
There will be enough CO2 in the fresh air you are snaking through the cabinet. You could spend alot of money setting up CO2 injection but I think that would be a waste unless you cycled the fans off during injection.