Grow a nug?

someone told me recently that you can take a nugget off the plant with the branch( cutting as if you were cloning) and that this nugget can be rootoned and placed in rock, will grow roots and the nugget will begine to grow. i think he said u keep it in bud stage too. what do you think about this


Well-Known Member
That someone was fucking with you.
He got that right.

However I have heard of someone cloning nuggets off of plants. I also seen a guy who used rooting hormones on the stem of a nug that he got in a bag that was very fresh and it successfully grew roots and grew. But the thing is neither of them kept it in the flower cycle it makes more sense to veg it out alittle.


Well-Known Member
someone told me recently that you can take a nugget off the plant with the branch( cutting as if you were cloning) and that this nugget can be rootoned and placed in rock, will grow roots and the nugget will begine to grow. i think he said u keep it in bud stage too. what do you think about this
This is the first time I've ever heard anything like this and if this is true I would really like to see some pics and if possible have the guy explain what he is doing! From my personal experience when you take clones, you take them in the later stages of the veg cycle due to the proper hormone levels to promote healthy, efficient, and effective, rooting. Now im not saying that you can't clone a flowering plant because you can indeed, it is just very hard and your probability rating goes down as the time goes on. But to clone a bud itself and grow it up, I would think the hormone levels have already surpassed the point of transition. I think there would be to great of stress to put that small of a clone back into the veg cycle and I would expect it to change its gender or even worse..... die! You never know though I could be complelty wrong! So like I said...If anyone come's across with some proof or evidence of a legit pic and not one that has been doctored please, please post it! I feel like asking mythbusters to try and bust this one....... to bad they don't smoke pot!

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
also...there is no way for the nug to have any photosynthetic activity being as a nug has no leaves...

Might make things a wee-bit difficult.


Well-Known Member
also...there is no way for the nug to have any photosynthetic activity being as a nug has no leaves...

Might make things a wee-bit difficult.
Also very very true..... plants breath through their leaves so if there are no leaves..... you have no lungs!


Active Member
Years ago there was a guy in my circle of growers that had this outstanding cutting of a hash plant that was fucking incredible weed, but he was a total asshole and would not share/sell it with anyone for any price. My friend timed a vist to this guy for a sack of weed a few days after he figured he'd be harvesting, takes the baggie home and tries to clone every nug in it lol. Anyways sure enough one made it and now everybody grows this stuff, the moral of the story is yes you can do it but you have to be really good at cloning and it has to be super fresh.


Well-Known Member
Years ago there was a guy in my circle of growers that had this outstanding cutting of a hash plant that was fucking incredible weed, but he was a total asshole and would not share/sell it with anyone for any price. My friend timed a vist to this guy for a sack of weed a few days after he figured he'd be harvesting, takes the baggie home and tries to clone every nug in it lol. Anyways sure enough one made it and now everybody grows this stuff, the moral of the story is yes you can do it but you have to be really good at cloning and it has to be super fresh.
WOW! I guess i don't really know what to say......I'm at a loss for words! Once again I can't really believe any thing until someone shows me some proof or some real evidence and not some hear say or some wife's tale. I have really been trying to track down the actuality of this myth and to tell you the truth I cant find anything! I mean there isn't one picture, article, video, not even a sentence on the subject! Like I said, my experience says its impossible! Unless someone shows me a picture and explains the science behind it i will not trust anything some friend of a friend has said!


Well-Known Member
why would you cut it off just to continue flowering it? what makes this seem like a logical method of growing buds? its like taking a baby out of their mother at 6months and hoping it lasts and grows bigger for the next 3months... you sure he wasnt trying to teach you a revegging techniquie or something like that?


Well-Known Member
bud cloning works fine as long as you have a branch, you have a sprout so... yeah.
?????????????I don't follow......Could you elaborate a little for us please. (could you please back it up with actual facts....ex. a log taken from previous growers who have actually conducted the experiment)


Well-Known Member
someone told me recently that you can take a nugget off the plant with the branch( cutting as if you were cloning) and that this nugget can be rootoned and placed in rock, will grow roots and the nugget will begine to grow. i think he said u keep it in bud stage too. what do you think about this
Not only will it grow but if you take the seeds from it and plant them they will turn in to a magic bean stock aswell.........


Active Member
This is BS. Kids telling kids telling kids that you can grow a plant out of a nugget from a bag. BS like everyone says. I have never seen anyone do this. Just to prove it isnt possible......ILL TEST IT! Im gonna cut a nugget off a Blue mystic when its almost ready for harvest. Ill even leave it untrimmed, so it has a better survival chance. It will most likely just dry out super slow and/or get moldy. Who wants to see me waste a nugget!!!


Well-Known Member
This is BS. Kids telling kids telling kids that you can grow a plant out of a nugget from a bag. BS like everyone says. I have never seen anyone do this. Just to prove it isnt possible......ILL TEST IT! Im gonna cut a nugget off a Blue mystic when its almost ready for harvest. Ill even leave it untrimmed, so it has a better survival chance. It will most likely just dry out super slow and/or get moldy. Who wants to see me waste a nugget!!!
oh oh oh, i do, i do!............ When you do your experiment, could you keep a log of what is being fed to the plant, when it is being fed, how you are feeding it,....etc..... cause if it is true I'm sure all of us would like to test the experiments as well..... just not willing to trow away a perfectly good nug! lol