Grounds For A Warrant?

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Does anybody know what the grounds for a serch warrant are? Does there have to be probable cause? What qualifies as probable cause? I cracked the front door for a smoke today, and a sherriff was sitting in his rig (vehicle running) outside my house(on the street.) I didn't even notice him at first until he pulled off a few seconds later. I have told nobody about what I'm doing. I'm only a little over a month in, and already paranoia is kickin! I have been to the hydro store a few times. Do the cops watch that kind of shit? I'm this close to choppin those bitches. Hell, I only have 2 plants. The illusion of safty. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't trip.

I know that most of the reasons people get caught up is by placing their weed trash with their regular trash. Stems, or leaves and receipts and mail are a pretty sure thing and when the trash hits the curb it is public.

If you've done nothing to raise suspicion (like a lot of 5-10 minute visitors) then you don't need to worry. Sometimes cops pull over to write something down or have a phone conversation. It is probably nothing worth worrying about.
they know its you and are out to get you!!

j/k, they arent looking for the little growers unless you are growing illegally, then they might be looking for you.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Cool. I take my own trash to the dump, but planned on burning any evidence in the burn pile. I don't have a stream of visitors, nor do I plan to sell. I'm just glad I wasn't ripped when it went down, cause I probably would've chopped. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
what cops need is a sworn affidavit from a police officer or informant detailing the drug transactions that go on inside the house. that's enough for a judge to sign off on a search warrant.

texas cops were caught manufacturing these, in a case by barry cooper, the kop buster, when he set up grow equipment in a house and put legal pine trees underneath....

the cops entered with a search warrant that was signed b/c a cop swore under oath that he had seen marijuana plants inside the house, which was a lie. of course the police department kept it under wraps, and no major news media reported when this happened....

or they can just say they suspect you of terrorism and then you have NO rights...


Well-Known Member
I had a friend that got busted once at his house.2 cops & a uc.Cop said we had complants about the smell of marijuana around here & we have a warrant for your address.How they got a warrant over that idk.I think someone snictched on him.He was not even at his house.He was next door on the porch chilling with his neighbor.They smoked in the neighbors house,but that was like 4hrs before they came.


Well-Known Member
Cops are known to follow people from hydroponics shops.

Do not freak out though. That's the worst thing you can do. Most likely he was there by coincidence because typically the first thing police will try when they don't have enough evidence for a search warrant is a "knock and talk." DO NOT ANSWER THE DOOR. If you do they'll pull you outside and try to convince you to allow them to search the house. They'll tell you that if you refuse you can't go back in because they're securing the location for an investigation until they can obtain a search warrant. At this point you'll probably panic and give in thinking they'll "let you off easy." Police can't even do this, they don't prosecute you, they just gather evidence which includes the statements you're about to make to them admitting your guilt.

Now if you don't answer the door, they can't question you, and they can't keep you from going back in your home. You are not required to answer your door or talk to the police. Also know that if they're knocking it means they don't have enough evidence to get a search warrant. Don't open the door and give it to them. If they have a search warrant you'll hear them yell police as your door comes crashing down. At this point you're best off to just sit there and keep your mouth shut and allow them to conduct their business. Don't run and don't fight, you won't win.


Well-Known Member
car on street doesn't mean anything, if they suspect you, they probably won't tip you off by broadcasting their presence
now if you get wind they're interviewing a neighbor, that's time to shut down


Does anybody know what the grounds for a serch warrant are? Does there have to be probable cause? What qualifies as probable cause? I cracked the front door for a smoke today, and a sherriff was sitting in his rig (vehicle running) outside my house(on the street.) I didn't even notice him at first until he pulled off a few seconds later. I have told nobody about what I'm doing. I'm only a little over a month in, and already paranoia is kickin! I have been to the hydro store a few times. Do the cops watch that kind of shit? I'm this close to choppin those bitches. Hell, I only have 2 plants. The illusion of safty. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Mike, you did not say what state you are in. If you are in California, you should get an MMP card. The Attorney General Guidelines say you cannot be arrested or be subject to seizure if you are in possession of marijuana plants if you have a MMP Card, so long as there is not other indicia of illegal activity. You should also have a letter from a doctor indicating you need to grow up to 99 plants for a medical purpose. It is important to understand the difference between local and State law. You may be in violation of a City ordinance, but not in violation of California law. Generally, the police do not get involved in Municipal Code violations, that is left to Code Enforcement. I have several clients who have had their homes raided by the police. The warrant usually was based upon a neighbor complaint. Usually the warrants are based upon the allegation that sales of illegal drugs are occurring at the residence. I always recommend to all my clients to not do their sales at the same place they grow. This is also a good security policy. None of my clients who were raided were arrested. Some of my clients were growing over 300 plants, and were seriously violating local ordinances. They were smart enough to have their documentation ready for the police. If you are a primary caregiver or are growing for a collective, you need to have basic info about your patients available for the police. Most growers post the info on the walls of their grow rooms. You should black out your patients' last names, addresses, and other identifying info. Your patients have a right to privacy under the HIPPA laws. You should keep more detailed info about your patients in a locked file cabinet marked: "Private Patient Files". Law enforcement will have to get a second warrant to open that file cabinet. And, of course, if you are raided, do not talk to the police. You should only ask to see their warrant. Then do not say anything else. If they do not have a warrant, then tell them they will have to leave. For more info, go to

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Thanks bob. I don't live in cali, but a legal state on the same coast. :) A couple of things are stopping me from getting a mmj card. There's the obvious fear of putting my name on a list. Which as more & more people get legal, this is becoming less of a fear. I guess the biggest one for me is that I'm in perfect health. I got a checkup a few months ago because I hadn't been to a doc in over 10 years. How easy is it to obtain a mmj card when there's nothing physically wrong? I like mj because I can focus on one thing and one thing alone, literally without my mind ever straying from the one task at hand. Awesome! I have one of those brains that just doesn't shut the fuck up. And I sometimes just like to get, holdin on to the grass so I don't fall off the earth BAKED! Hehe.


Well-Known Member
No fear man. card is the way to go. I meet BOMB ass girls at the dispensary all the time, have gotten 3 dates and I woulda never guessed they Smoke.. :D
Thanks bob. I don't live in cali, but a legal state on the same coast. :) A couple of things are stopping me from getting a mmj card. There's the obvious fear of putting my name on a list. Which as more & more people get legal, this is becoming less of a fear. I guess the biggest one for me is that I'm in perfect health. I got a checkup a few months ago because I hadn't been to a doc in over 10 years. How easy is it to obtain a mmj card when there's nothing physically wrong? I like mj because I can focus on one thing and one thing alone, literally without my mind ever straying from the one task at hand. Awesome! I have one of those brains that just doesn't shut the fuck up. And I sometimes just like to get, holdin on to the grass so I don't fall off the earth BAKED! Hehe.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I like mj because I can focus on one thing and one thing alone, literally without my mind ever straying from the one task at hand. Awesome! I have one of those brains that just doesn't shut the fuck up. And I sometimes just like to get, holdin on to the grass so I don't fall off the earth BAKED! Hehe.
You and me both Brother.
I spent 22 years with undiagnosed ADD. My parents were not the most attentive people... I always wondered as a kid why I was the one who was always spun up.

Cannabis is the only thing that slows me down enough to focus on a task long enough to finish it to completion.

That and, I mean, c'mon... It is a pretty dandy feeling.

I'm in the same state and getting a card here is not easy. Short of severe chronic pain, cancer, or other serious medical condition they aren't really handing them out. It isn't like in Cali where I got one for my knee surgery and "arthritis." Up here it is anything but easy or quick. Then, you'll need to register your address with OMMP so that if the cops are staking you out they can check the registry to see just how many plants you say you're growing. If you rent... not good news to report your address to get it on file.

I know people who really need the card. Breast Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Leukaemia. These people are all of the mindset that if you use Cannabis because you enjoy it then don't get a medical card. Doing so only "cheapens" the value of medical membership and discredits the actual movement. If you like weed, and want to use it, then work on getting it legalised.

IMO there are too many fake med users in California for them to actually pass legislation because those with cards are comfortable in the current climate and the profits they are getting from it. It is short sighted to get a card simply for the sake of covering ones own ass.

The key to not getting caught is not having a card. It is: not getting caught.

I'm not going to tell you what to do but I think people should think about how they are abusing the system and the kind of damage, stress, and devalued reputation they've given to an institution that was designed to help people who really need it. I think Oregon is doing it right, keeping us honest by making it a little more difficult, and over the long haul they are taking a better approach towards the eventual legalisation of this beautiful and historically rich plant.


Well-Known Member
IMO there are too many fake med users in California for them to actually pass legislation because those with cards are comfortable in the current climate and the profits they are getting from it. It is short sighted to get a card simply for the sake of covering ones own ass.

The key to not getting caught is not having a card. It is: not getting caught.

I'm not going to tell you what to do but I think people should think about how they are abusing the system and the kind of damage, stress, and devalued reputation they've given to an institution that was designed to help people who really need it. I think Oregon is doing it right, keeping us honest by making it a little more difficult, and over the long haul they are taking a better approach towards the eventual legalisation of this beautiful and historically rich plant.

Now you have done it. You have just pissed off about half of the California card carrying population. lol....

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I have and will vote in favor of mj, but I'd have t completely pull something outta my ass as to get a mmj card. I do agree with the not getting caught part. I am very careful in what I do, and only grow enough for personal use. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not really there!

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
whats a fake med user
People use caffeine to stay awake. It is a chemical process a person uses to increase their alertness... which in one sense is "medical."

Much in the same way a person can use Cannabis to relieve cramping or help them sleep.

Or how a person might use greasy food after a long night of drinking to help themselves feel better and provide energy for their body.

All the things we place in our bodies has an "affect." In a sense they are all just as medicinal depending on how the word is defined.

What I define as necessary use of Marijuana medically is to offset the side-effects of the treatments required for a serious medical condition, or as a replacement for synthetic medication. Specifically I think cannabis is best suited to offset nausea, relax the effects of ADD/ADHD, assist in pain management (especially when it concerns nerve damage), and assist in the treatment of immune related disease. Using it for "arthritis" like I claimed I was doing only told half the story and I wouldn't take pain medication any more than I did already.

For me, Cannabis and Aleve is like Salt and Steak. I mean, sure... I can have my aleve and my steak as is... But I'd rather have them with a little pot and salt. MMMM... now we are talking! Relaxing outside after a long week. Calming my conditions. Sure... it is medical. A vacation to the south of France can do wonders for a person's health.

So... When I say a "fake med user" it'd be someone who could live their life without it, but without much discomfort.
Real med users truely need it to combat debilitating serious illness. I'm not a doctor... So I cannot define these things in the societal sense with much credibility but would rather offer this purely as my opinion.

As someone who was part of the medical scene, using it more or less "medicinally" depending on how you define it, and then meeting people who REALLY needed it as a result... I dunno. As I stood in the dispensaries I think we all knew what was going on standing in that waiting room. My thought process changed slowly over time and after watching Prop 19 fail I knew what really needed to happen and just how toxic the medical marijuana community is currently.

Draw a line in the sand. Stand up for what you believe in like those who came before us.

Don't hide under the umbrella of MMJ. It sullies the system.