Gröhaus Redux - The Early Days


Hello... Long time lurker, First time poster here.

To anyone taking the time to read my humble Grow Journal... Thanks!

Ok... A little background.
I had a fantastic little SCROG in a relativly stealth grow box running a few years back. But after an unavoidable little run in with Johnny Law, my lovely little kit was dismantled and destroyed.

Now after a few years off to slip back under the radar, Im ready to start again

I Therefore christen this project...

Gröhaus Redux

I plan to show the creation of said project over the next few weeks. Step One is deciding on the location out of 2 possible locations.

Location 1 - Garden Shed.
Pros - Plently of Room

- Shed is outside, seperate from house
- Lack of security
-Will need to run power to the shed
-Alot of work needed

Location 2 - Under the House
- Better able to conceal my actions
- Would be much harder to get into

- Would need to dig slightly into ground for sufficient room
- Pests under the house, Rats, Bugs etc.

Method to be Used

Scrog again with probally a 400W HID.
Looking at roughly 4 - 5 feet of squared space, but dependent on which location used.

I would love some comments on pros and cons other people might be able to come up with