Greetz From The Bottom Of Afrika ...


A shout out from Sunny Summer Southern Africa,

Right, the FIFA world cup 2010 and Winter is finally over.

Getting ready for an outdoor grow season ... all organic and natural.

I'm going with:
* God's Halogen
* and Cow Shit
- (both free)

Also using some organic supplement called BounceBack, a kind donation for our local vegetable gardens.

Got some serious skunk seeds from a 14 footer mother plant. Over 1 kilo harvested from her.

Possibly getting some Jack Herer next week.

Rub it ... wrap it ... toke it.



Well-Known Member

Hey RichHead, welcome to RUI!

I'm just marking your thread to ask you some questions later. If you have time please check out The Academy link, any insight from someone living on your continent will help.




Well-Known Member
Welcome! Do you know about Durbin Strains? Hey that was some noise at world cup! I guess they wanted everyone to know it wasn't all that great to build that when folks live in shacks. LOL That's what i got out of it.