Hello all.
Just wanted to make a welcome post real quick.
The pics are of me. I have lost weight though im still heavy and I cant meet new ppl as I cant socialize for multiple reasons as I hate Booze personally but I dont give ppl shit/a hard time/make their lives harder etc over that fact or anything else.
We MUST end the hate.
A new saying I havn't seen anywhere yet I came up with(why there's quotes)...
"Hate on Hatred. If however, your going to hate, hate on all the negative hatred towards others, if anything." I believe.-Mason(CannaNerd_420)
Both pics are of me. The grey shirt pic has a pic of a hat I got during the last "real hempfest"(3 days not 1) in the Boston common. The only event I got to go to and meet others into all I am. Also was great as I got beans I got also still for Dakini Kush from Centenial, a tester strain from Jinxproof and some other stuff. Hat was 40 and the pin on my other hat was also from the last hempfest that held the 1st(and only) Squashoff Rosin pressing contest...the pin represents the event that never happened again.
I am 36 ALMOST 37 (b-day is 08-06-1986 aka in Month-Day-Year format). I am located in Massachusetts, US which is thankfully fully legal.
But the lawmakers after it passed DESTROYED a VERY WELL WRITTEN law before it was made into law officially late December 2016 Politicans destroyed the legalization "Question 6" (as written) and "rewrote it" creating more problems as well as a state Cannabis control comission that includes only 3 ppl and 2 of them are against it and they jacked up taxes and gave more control to cities to ban shops so it took in MA all 4 years of Medical Legalization and the first into 2nd year of legalization before the first(in Salem) ever Dispensary opened in the State so DB Fascist politicians killed something good again.
I am disabled and ill leave it at that as itll get super long otherwise. I am a huge advocate for Cannabis and Hemp and love all the history as well as the beauty of this extraordinarily and extensively positively lifechanging plant thats only "illegal" in the first place due to VERY BAD POLITICS as regardless what is said there is no doubt about its medical efficacy regardless if its "Hemp/ruderalis(Auto)" or "Cannabis Sativa".
I used to in the late 90s/early 00s or around there go on here and or grasscity as they were some good options at the time for sharing my newfound cannabis love(and still are).
Story time!
-First time I ever tried I in the AM breakfast cafe forgot I left the doob in from night before aka 1st time with a "friend" who didnt partake but he saw me holdin the bag and told an 8th grader friend of his who went to the office on me(took me a LONG TIME to learn the truth but once I did I ended that friendship in a public display with him running to his ride, jumped in/skidded out and that was that). Since then ive devoted my sad, insignificant life to this plant. I did all I could to help get the word out and help try to get people to understand that its just a plant and like any other plant has alkaloids, clorophyll, Terpines/Flavinoids(scent/flavor given off by plants of all kinds), tried to grow through personal research as well as trial and error... and will grow again once its possible for me.
I also am a very open and honest person. I treat others how I wish to be treated and I will not treat anyone like they special or whatever just because of "notoriety" as thats nothing to do with who you are as a person which is what matters and is most important. If your a shitty person idc I have no buddies personally right now and am also alone... I treat others how I want to be and how id wish to be as well.
I HATE ALL SNITCHES(nothing happened to make me believe this, but I dont personally care what your "reasons" are... and I dont care about how this new generation tries to rationalize things either..., you NEVER for ANY REASON rat/snitch/whine/tell-on/bring unwanted attention to others for ANY REASON.
I know they are disgustingly prominent in the US but all these security cameras and such as well as "ring" doorbell camera shit. Personally idc if it ever proved helpful to me in the future...its an invasion of everyones privacy mine included, and these things should be fought against rather than embraced. So should working with as well as helpin one another, not trying to take advantage of others for your personal benefit. People...we HAVE TO REGARDLESS OF OUR SITUATIONS/LIVES, HELP AND CARE FOR ONE ANOTHER NOT TAKE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN FROM WHOEVER YOU CAN...
People that do are(IMO) "lower than whale dung" and deserve anything and everything that comes to them.
What someone else is doing(whether or not you like or agree with it personally) as you dont wrong or cause problems for people especially those that never harmed or had anything to do with you personally.
Anyway, I cant remember if a chat room exists for this place or grass but ill figure it out.
Be well everyone. Take care. Hope everyones doing better than me(if your growing for example your doing better BUT thats a good thing). And Peace to one and all.
Just wanted to make a welcome post real quick.
The pics are of me. I have lost weight though im still heavy and I cant meet new ppl as I cant socialize for multiple reasons as I hate Booze personally but I dont give ppl shit/a hard time/make their lives harder etc over that fact or anything else.
We MUST end the hate.
A new saying I havn't seen anywhere yet I came up with(why there's quotes)...
"Hate on Hatred. If however, your going to hate, hate on all the negative hatred towards others, if anything." I believe.-Mason(CannaNerd_420)
Both pics are of me. The grey shirt pic has a pic of a hat I got during the last "real hempfest"(3 days not 1) in the Boston common. The only event I got to go to and meet others into all I am. Also was great as I got beans I got also still for Dakini Kush from Centenial, a tester strain from Jinxproof and some other stuff. Hat was 40 and the pin on my other hat was also from the last hempfest that held the 1st(and only) Squashoff Rosin pressing contest...the pin represents the event that never happened again.
I am 36 ALMOST 37 (b-day is 08-06-1986 aka in Month-Day-Year format). I am located in Massachusetts, US which is thankfully fully legal.
But the lawmakers after it passed DESTROYED a VERY WELL WRITTEN law before it was made into law officially late December 2016 Politicans destroyed the legalization "Question 6" (as written) and "rewrote it" creating more problems as well as a state Cannabis control comission that includes only 3 ppl and 2 of them are against it and they jacked up taxes and gave more control to cities to ban shops so it took in MA all 4 years of Medical Legalization and the first into 2nd year of legalization before the first(in Salem) ever Dispensary opened in the State so DB Fascist politicians killed something good again.
I am disabled and ill leave it at that as itll get super long otherwise. I am a huge advocate for Cannabis and Hemp and love all the history as well as the beauty of this extraordinarily and extensively positively lifechanging plant thats only "illegal" in the first place due to VERY BAD POLITICS as regardless what is said there is no doubt about its medical efficacy regardless if its "Hemp/ruderalis(Auto)" or "Cannabis Sativa".
I used to in the late 90s/early 00s or around there go on here and or grasscity as they were some good options at the time for sharing my newfound cannabis love(and still are).
Story time!
-First time I ever tried I in the AM breakfast cafe forgot I left the doob in from night before aka 1st time with a "friend" who didnt partake but he saw me holdin the bag and told an 8th grader friend of his who went to the office on me(took me a LONG TIME to learn the truth but once I did I ended that friendship in a public display with him running to his ride, jumped in/skidded out and that was that). Since then ive devoted my sad, insignificant life to this plant. I did all I could to help get the word out and help try to get people to understand that its just a plant and like any other plant has alkaloids, clorophyll, Terpines/Flavinoids(scent/flavor given off by plants of all kinds), tried to grow through personal research as well as trial and error... and will grow again once its possible for me.
I also am a very open and honest person. I treat others how I wish to be treated and I will not treat anyone like they special or whatever just because of "notoriety" as thats nothing to do with who you are as a person which is what matters and is most important. If your a shitty person idc I have no buddies personally right now and am also alone... I treat others how I want to be and how id wish to be as well.
I HATE ALL SNITCHES(nothing happened to make me believe this, but I dont personally care what your "reasons" are... and I dont care about how this new generation tries to rationalize things either..., you NEVER for ANY REASON rat/snitch/whine/tell-on/bring unwanted attention to others for ANY REASON.
I know they are disgustingly prominent in the US but all these security cameras and such as well as "ring" doorbell camera shit. Personally idc if it ever proved helpful to me in the future...its an invasion of everyones privacy mine included, and these things should be fought against rather than embraced. So should working with as well as helpin one another, not trying to take advantage of others for your personal benefit. People...we HAVE TO REGARDLESS OF OUR SITUATIONS/LIVES, HELP AND CARE FOR ONE ANOTHER NOT TAKE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN FROM WHOEVER YOU CAN...
People that do are(IMO) "lower than whale dung" and deserve anything and everything that comes to them.
What someone else is doing(whether or not you like or agree with it personally) as you dont wrong or cause problems for people especially those that never harmed or had anything to do with you personally.
Anyway, I cant remember if a chat room exists for this place or grass but ill figure it out.
Be well everyone. Take care. Hope everyones doing better than me(if your growing for example your doing better BUT thats a good thing). And Peace to one and all.