Greetings Community

Hey guys,
I am a college student with an interest in a fairly large variety of mind altering substances. I enjoy researching and knowing the important facts of safely using said things, though I myself would never use any illegal substance or obtain it.
Hope I can offer as much as I ask for,


Well-Known Member
one thing i know about is X and is a quote i got from the net

Cannabis. Ecstasy is also used with cannabis and alcohol at dance parties, and cannabis is widely smoked in the chill-out period afterwards. Although drinking has had a comeback, most users feel that alcohol drowns the effect of Ecstasy. Alcohol and amphetamine also taxes the liver and kidneys, causing dehydration, so taking either or both of these in combination with Ecstasy is likely to increase the danger of overheating and result in worse after effects. Similarly, when taken with amphetamine the toxicity is greater than when each drug is taken separately.