Greentingaling Veg Setup - Flowering to Come

This is my veg setup. At the moment it's just 1 x 125w cfl, but that'll double on the next veg cycle as I've got a double 300w red reflector in the post.

There's another room coming too. There will be a flow of grow and full jars curing. :mrgreen:

Nice to meet ya and any comments are welcomed.




Active Member
nice set up .. only thing I would offer is using bigger pots ... at that size i imagine both those front ones have roots touching all around the inside of those pots . Good luck , looks like your on your way to some dank .......
.. only thing I would offer is using bigger pots ... at that size i imagine both those front ones have roots touching all around the inside of those pots...
I've just re-potted one but need some more perlite and compost before doing the smaller one.

The pineapple I've got for next crop will be grown in air-pruning pots, have you read about those? There's a feature in Urban Garden... it sound's immense.