greenhouse upper-leaf burn


Active Member
I've got a few plants growing outdoors under a relatively simple PVC and plastic greenhouse I built.
Yesterday we had some pretty extreme heat and it seems that the tops of the plants got burnt. Only some of the top leaves show this discoloration.
If it was heat related, I can come up with a fix for that but just to be sure I thought I'd throw up a post here and solicit some feedback from you all. The reason I'm even hesitating making a conclusion that it was definitely from the heat is that recently I've done a few things that have added extra stress to these ladies. 1) I had to re-pot them. 2) Due to height restrictions, I had to do something like an LST method where I bent the tops down a bit and tied them off to the lower part of the stem. I'm against topping so sorry if this seems like a bad solution. 3) Because of where I live, I've decided to force them into flowering cycle a bit earlier than nature outdoors here wants. They are about 10 days into a cycle of 12-12 light/dark.

Has anyone else every grown in a greenhouse and had this issue?

I've just tried to attach photos and the upload manager is being a bit of a bitch, so I'll post and work on that later.