Greenhouse seeds Cheese feminized advice needed (outdoor)

I'm about to get a pretty good hold on this now, but it would still be nice with some advice and different opinions, i've got 1 Lolland Kush Sensimilla that is 16 days into flowering and doing quite good, so i started two Greenhouse Cheese seeds in 3.5 gollons pots on the 4 Juli and they was standing beautifully the morning on 7 Juli, I started feeding them only BioBizz Fish-Mix after a weeks time, as it is the only veg fertilizer i have right now, how often should i feed them?

I water maybe once every 2 days or when the soil is dry enough, so do i need to water with only PH regulated water in between or can i just water with fertilized water 2-3 times a week? And is the fish mix good enough for the whole veg period? i used some manure in my Lolland Kush in veg, but is that necessary?

They are approximately 4.3 inches high and 7.9 inches wide now.

To flowering period i have Hy-Pro Terra wich i don't really know, Biobizz Bio Bloom and BioBizz Top Max

Any advice is appreciated! :)

IMG_3260.JPG IMG_3263.JPG BioBizz Outdoor.jpeg
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If i would, could i place them outside at day and place them under my 250W 2700K CFL so they are under light 24/7 in veg, or would it go into flowering period then because of the kelvin?


If i would, could i place them outside at day and place them under my 250W 2700K CFL so they are under light 24/7 in veg, or would it go into flowering period then because of the kelvin?
You could place them under cfls indoors after the sun goes down but why? They get plenty of sunlight and oxygen outdoors to give maximum yields. Let Mother Nature do her thing and they should go into flower on their own. But to answer your question no they won't go into flowering they'll just have extended hours of light during veg. If you do go that route try to put them on a timer for 18/6 or maybe even 20/4 I've never had the lights on 24/7 .


Clockwise from top left;
Purple kush (fimmed) 7 weeks veg
Bubba kush (fimmed) 6 weeks veg
Purple goo (fimmed) 4 weeks veg
Purple goo (fimmed) 4 weeks veg
Okay so, they are growing like crazy! and it is starting to concern me now, if they continue to grow like that, they will soon be detectable from every house next to me :/

33 days old 19.3 inches today, is it too late to fim them? there is no pistils yet :)


Okay so, they are growing like crazy! and it is starting to concern me now, if they continue to grow like that, they will soon be detectable from every house next to me :/

33 days old 19.3 inches today, is it too late to fim them? there is no pistils yet :)
Some people might say yes it's too late, but as long it's still in full veg with no pistils showing you can fim. I fimmed last Sunday and no problems here.