Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I've been running a mars TS 600 and supplemental 3000k/6500k mix e27 leds in my main tent (100x50, total 166w) and e27 splitter setups for my seeding tent (70x70, 66w over a 6way splitter, mixed 3000k, 6500k, 660nm, 460nm and IR).
I've recently picked up two 120x60x180 tents and have been looking at lighting setups. A friend gave me two "1200w" (actual 235w minus 10w fans) greenfingers blurple lights and I'm wondering if they are worth using, or if I should invest in a TS1000 for each tent, and throw in a few e27 bulbs in there as supplemental?
The greenfingers has 12 different spectrum diodes (apparently). There are 120x5w LEDs. Their site lists mixed 580,600,615,630,660 and 730nm for the red diodes and 440,450,460 and 475 for the blue alongside 3000k and 6000k white diodes. There appears to be 24 blue, 16 white and 80 red diodes. Do you reckon this is a load of shit or legit? How honest are these cheaper manufacturers? The lights do pull 244w and 238w from the wall. That i can confirm.
I can get two TS 1000s for cheap from a mate that works at a hydro shop, and I have around 12 of these e27 bulbs I can throw in each as supplemental. With 6 bulbs and a TS, each tent will have 270w of pure 3000k, 6000k and red/IR.
These are the bulbs I have in bulk. I will have 6 in each tent alongside a TS1000...they are 23w actual, 120w quoted.

TLDR, should I risk the blurple, or should I stick to a mix of 3000k, 6000k, 660nm and IR?
I've recently picked up two 120x60x180 tents and have been looking at lighting setups. A friend gave me two "1200w" (actual 235w minus 10w fans) greenfingers blurple lights and I'm wondering if they are worth using, or if I should invest in a TS1000 for each tent, and throw in a few e27 bulbs in there as supplemental?
The greenfingers has 12 different spectrum diodes (apparently). There are 120x5w LEDs. Their site lists mixed 580,600,615,630,660 and 730nm for the red diodes and 440,450,460 and 475 for the blue alongside 3000k and 6000k white diodes. There appears to be 24 blue, 16 white and 80 red diodes. Do you reckon this is a load of shit or legit? How honest are these cheaper manufacturers? The lights do pull 244w and 238w from the wall. That i can confirm.
I can get two TS 1000s for cheap from a mate that works at a hydro shop, and I have around 12 of these e27 bulbs I can throw in each as supplemental. With 6 bulbs and a TS, each tent will have 270w of pure 3000k, 6000k and red/IR.
These are the bulbs I have in bulk. I will have 6 in each tent alongside a TS1000...they are 23w actual, 120w quoted.

TLDR, should I risk the blurple, or should I stick to a mix of 3000k, 6000k, 660nm and IR?