Green nob on plant. What is it??


Got a green little nob growing Not really sure what it is, can someone give me some insight please. Much appreciate .

(5 weeks into veg 24 hour light cycle)
Bag seed from some dank that made me take a nap every time I smoked lol


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Well-Known Member
Those a pre-flowers, aslong as you see only 2 at every node and the sprout white/amber hairs then your plants will be female.
If they produce more balls like clusters of balls, then the plants will be male.
But you may not find out this info until you flip the light cycle to 12/12.


Alright that's good to know guys thanks for the help. So far it's only 2 hair like objects at every node. That ball like object is the only one on the plant so I'm hoping it's not a hermie