Green lights?


Hey all,

Just finished setting up my room, and the only thing left to be installed are some green lightbulbs in my overhead fan fixture.

See, I'm thinking that green bulbs won't interfere with my light cycles, since the chlorophil in the leaves will simply reflect all the green light. That way, I can still use my grow room (which doubles as a tweaker pad) when the lights are off, without any walling off or other modification to prevent light pollution.

Just curious if anyone else has tried this, and if it does indeed work. If so, do the green CFLs work as well as the incandescents? They seem quite a few shades lighter when they're plugged in.


Well-Known Member
I just don't see the need for a green bulb in the grow room . I just finished another harvest and have never needed one. Once the lights go out ...... stay out of the grow room . There is NO reason to keep going in there . Let the girls grow.


Well-Known Member
yes they do work, ive used one quite abit with no problems, however its only been foe short periods of time (15-20 mins) i wouldn't want to risk it if it was every day for a couple of hours.