Green house seed co.


Well-Known Member
Their strains are good but what they are labeled may not be what you are buying.


Well-Known Member
growing some of theirs now. i smoked only a tiny premature bud, and its already the best pot i have smoked. granted i have only tried freshly grown pot 3 or 4 times and the rest bought mids/regs, but id like to think im very picky when it comes to really enjoying pot


Well-Known Member
growing some of theirs now. i smoked only a tiny premature bud, and its already the best pot i have smoked. granted i have only tried freshly grown pot 3 or 4 times and the rest bought mids/regs, but id like to think im very picky when it comes to really enjoying pot

What strains?


Well-Known Member
have grown hym. gold and A. haze #3

the hym gold tastes funny to me but i keep it around for cooking and medicine

the a haze is fun and tough plant that taste pretty cool and is a little trippy to smoke.


New Member
got lemon skunk n alaskan ice in the veg room but took a lot of mutants in the bin before i found some worth keeping. they are all rip offs of other peoples strains. although they did do a better job on the cheese than big buddah


Well-Known Member
Greenhouse Cheese is Big Buddah cheese. Jack from greenhouse hangs on another site I post to and he says it is buddah cheese.


New Member
then hes chatting poo i've grown all 3 ( uk cheese clone only as well), they are totally different but gh is much closer to the original uk ckeese


Well-Known Member
Grab a color-coded 10 pk of fem indica and have some fun! I almost did. I went with Paradise white berry instead but greenhouse was tempting. There is lots of data online about greenhouse strains and how they grow so researching problems would be easy. That is always a plus. :)


New Member
big budda crossed the original uk cheese with an afghani
he then supplied gh with a cut of orig uk cheese
they then selfed it and created there version of cheese


Well-Known Member
then hes chatting poo i've grown all 3 ( uk cheese clone only as well), they are totally different but gh is much closer to the original uk ckeese
Why would the co-owner of a seed bank admit to purchasing genetics from another breeder if it were not true? I mean, You have grown them and that is definitely a good argument but maybe you just had odd pheno? HE was discussing it witha guy that was trashing their cheese as inferior to Buddah and he came right out and said that it was the same.

I wish I could get an orig UK clone. ..... drooooooollllll....


New Member
they did buy the genetics from buddah but it was the orig uk cheese he supplied . i grew a lot of both out and the difference between bb and gh is staggering. gh is the closest you will get to the original unless your v lucky
like me


New Member
well if you grow the gh cheese i'll send you a uk cheese n you can do a comparison grow they are the same apart from the original is a fair bit cheesier and potent